
Luxuria by James Fuller Read Free Book Online

Book: Luxuria by James Fuller Read Free Book Online
Authors: James Fuller
can’t get out of here alive.” Mark pointed out.
    “As much as I hate to say it, where else are we going to go?” Dustin said. “Maybe at the ruins we will find help…or a way out of here. In the very least we could build that signal fire.”
    “Might be safer shelter there too.” Jessica added, her eyes still on the statue, reveling in what such a find could do for her and her mother.
    “Then it’s settled, we follow the path and make the best of it.” Josh beamed, his mood lifted.
    The stone path was hard to follow, centuries of erosion and the overpowering hunger of the jungle had destroyed or buried most traces of it. But the further they went, the more signs they found that they were still on the right course. Twisted stone creatures and markings began to line the outer sides of the roadway, thier shapes and features damaged by the passage of time. Soon, the dense jungle began to let up and the pathway became clearer and easier to follow.
    “You know as crazy and scary as being lost in the jungle is, this is pretty exciting too.” Jessica said, as they watch Josh getting further ahead of them.
    “It’s turn into a real adventure that’s for sure.” Mark added trying not to sound too dower. “Let’s just hope is has a good ending, where we are all still alive and possibly a little bit richer.”
    Dustin took another shot of his inhaler. “I can’t believe you guys are just so calm and casual about all this.”
    “You seem to be worrying enough for all of us.” Jessica pointed out.
    “Am I the only one who sees the level of shit we are in?”
    “No, but you are the only one who seems to think it’s going to end badly.” Mark countered.
    “Also the only one who seems to thinking worrying about it is going to solve anything.” Jessica added.
    “I got a good feeling - we are getting closer.” Josh called back, a hundred feet in front of the others as he disappeared around a bend.
    “Slow down Josh, we should be careful.” Mark called to his friend. “We don’t know what is around here.” He trailed off.
    “He won’t listen - you should know that by now.” Dustin said. “He never listens.”
    “I know… he’s an idiot.” Mark said, snorting into his hand.
    “That idiot still has the flare gun,” Dustin pointed out, “something that might very well be our savior. Maybe someone else should carry it.”
    “Why you don’t trust he will use it when needed?” Jessica asked.
    “No, I am worried he will lose it or use it when it’s not needed.”
    A loud scream for help ripped through the air and they all cursed knowing something bad had just happened.
    “Josh! Josh!” Mark yelled out as they rounded the bend they had last seen him at. “Josh where are you?”
    “Help me!” Josh bellowed out from somewhere near the edge of the path.
    “Where are you?” Jessica screamed.
    “Down here!”
    The trio moved over to the side of the pathway where a hole in the ground was freshly exposed. They looked down and saw Josh lying at the bottom, a vicious bamboo barbed spike gleaming red through his thigh.
    “Jesus Christ!” Mark gasped. “What the hell is this?”
    “It’s a pitfall.” Dustin replied his eyes wide with terror reaching for his inhaler again as his chest began to constrict. “I knew it... I knew something bad would happen...”
    “A what?” Mark questioned as he searched the edge of the pit for an easier way down.
    “A pitfall - it’s a trap people use to make to kill animals and enemies.” Dustin explained trying to calm himself down but having little luck.
    “Shut the fuck up Dustin!” Josh screamed from below. “Someone just fucking help me!”
    Mark edged himself over the pit and slid himself down to his friend.
    “Be careful Mark,” Jess told him, eyeing the sharpened bamboo lining the bottom of the pit.
    Mark inspected the injury - the only way to get his friend out was to pull the leg off the spike.
    “What are you waiting for?” Josh

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