Lynna's Rogue

Lynna's Rogue by Kitty Margo Read Free Book Online

Book: Lynna's Rogue by Kitty Margo Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kitty Margo
suddenly grabbed her and clutched her hard against his chest. When she opened her lips to protest he covered her mouth with his own . As she struggled to get her bearings and make some sense of this madness , his lips trailed over her face and neck, toward her bosom. Even though her world was t emporarily spinning in the wrong direction , she had the presence of min d to realize that his kiss es were not at all like the Captain’s . At once repulsed , she tried to push him away, but he increased his hold , squeezing her breast and murmuring a name that wasn’t even hers. “Stop, please! I do not wish to do this, Mr. Robinson!”
                  “I fear I cannot stop now , my little French beauty! We desire each other and you do not have to affect any silly modesty with me. You were well aware of what would happen when you entered my cabin. Please do not be tedious and pretend otherwise.”
                  “ No n, sir, I assure you, I did not!”
                  “Just relax and enjoy it , as I am sure you do with our illustrious Captain.”
                  “ Non , I will not!” She struggled against the iron grip around her waist, fighting with all the strength she could muster, but it wasn’t e nough. She cringed at the sound of the rending tear as her bo dice was ripped and her breast s were displayed before his lusting gaze.
                  “My word, but you are a rare beauty!” He sank to the bed , pulling her to stand between his legs as his mouth fastened greedily on her breast and his hands roamed beneath her skirt , sending shivers of revulsion surging through her.
                  Lynna was dumbfounded as she watched him suckle her breast. She felt none of the pleasurable sensations she had experienced when Joshua's lips had caressed the very same spot, when his tongue had drawn circles around her taut nipple… Oh! Joshua’s lips had been on her breast. Last night had not been a dream! A deep blush stained her cheeks , leading Malcolm to the erroneous conclusion that he was causing her body temperature to rise.
                  Lynna was mortified by her wanton behavior with Joshua! But at the same time it had been so… beautiful. Nothing at all like what was happening now! She knew from the very essence of her being that this was terribly wrong. When his fingers begin to gouge painfully in the sensitive area between her thighs she cried, “ Non !” and shoved him backward with all her might.
                  Fighting back the nausea that boiled in her throat, she watched with dread as Malcolm's head crashed into the bedpost. “Oh, forgive me!” she sobbed, fearing momentarily that she might have killed t he contemptible man, but she cringed in horror as he came toward her with rage glistening in his murderous eyes.
                  “You like it rough, do you , bitch ? ” he snarled, grabbing her roughly as he squeezed both her hands behind her back and sunk his teeth into the tender skin of her breast.
                  As p ain shot through her breast as if it had been touched with the fire from a branding iron, she let loose a bloodcurdling scream that echoed through every cor ner of the ship just before slipping into a dark , painless void.
                  Hours later, Lyn n a sobbed uncontrollably as she lay cradled in the safety of Joshua’s warm embrace. “Joshua, he was so beastly! Why did he wish to harm me? For the life of me , I do not understand his reprehensible behavior. He seemed so considerate at first when he volunteered to share his books with me. But he was not the same gentleman at all when we were alone i n his cabin. He was like a man… possessed. What could I have done

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