Machine Gods (Star Crusades Nexus, Book 2)

Machine Gods (Star Crusades Nexus, Book 2) by Michael G. Thomas Read Free Book Online

Book: Machine Gods (Star Crusades Nexus, Book 2) by Michael G. Thomas Read Free Book Online
Authors: Michael G. Thomas
short to medium distances. The other operatives opened fire just in
time for two more of the creatures to appear. Both pushed off from
the wall, drifting at speed toward the ground, and although rounds
slammed into them, their momentum kept them going. They crashed
directly into Spartan and Khan and sent the four as a spinning mass
of guns, limbs, and blood. Emergency seals clamped down behind them
to contain the atmosphere that was quickly escaping from the damage
to the ship.
    “ What the hell is
going on? ” shouted Spartan, more to
himself than the others.
    He spun about wildly
and crashed into the back wall. The weight of the Biomech was
immense, and if it hadn’t been for the reinforced torso of his PDS
suit, he would have been crushed to death by the impact. One of the
Biomech’s arms flailed out and knocked his carbine from his
    Spartan was used to
this kind of messy close-up combat and so
tugged the M11 tactical bayonet from its sheath. The precision-made
high carbon steel weapon was perfectly built for the Marine Corps.
It was one of the few pieces of equipment he’d been allowed to keep
after leaving. Though simple in its design, it was constructed to
be capable of functioning without breakage in operating
temperatures of -25 to 135 degrees Fahrenheit. With the skills he’d
learnt back well before being a marine, he stabbed the weapon
repeatedly into the Biomech’s neck. Most amateurs would have used
the edge of the blade, but he knew the power of this weapon lay in
precise and powerful strikes with the tip. Each stab embedded the
blade deep into the thing and sent spurts and blobs of blood
pumping from its flesh.
    “ Spartan, there are
more!” shouted Khan .
    At the same time,
Khan snapped the creature’s neck that lay just a few centimeters in
front of his face and threw his spare carbine from his armored suit
to Spartan. It drifted and almost missed, but a last minute grab by
one of his other operatives caught it and spun it back around to
Spartan. He pulled back the slide and took careful aim. It was only
a low-powered sidearm but did carry a substantial twenty-round
magazine with reinforced tip ‘castles’ ammunition. The final
creature pulled itself toward them, but this time they were all
ready. The volley of gunfire tore holes out of the enemy as it
moved lifelessly toward them. They moved off to the sides where
they could be certain of keeping their flanks protected, and then
pushed on.
    “ All units secure your positions. This ship is infested
with Biomechs, I repeat; this ship is infested with Biomech
creatures. They are hostile and will attack you on sight. Stand
your ground and prepare for assault. You have full clearance to use
your weapons.”
    The confirmations
from the two other squads still in contact quickly acknowledged his
order. Spartan knew full well that wandering about in such an
infestation could quickly result in the loss of every single one of
his operatives. He’d seen it so many times before where teams of
soldiers or marines had been trapped or surrounded by the
creatures. In a confined space, they had a massive advantage where
their strength, speed, and ability to sustain terrible wounds were
more useful than long-range firepower. Of all the men and women in
the Alliance, Spartan was probably the single most experienced and
successful fighter of the Biomechs.
    “ Spartan, we’re
getting readings from deeper inside the ship. I’d say the Biomechs
are here to protect something. I also have three signals falling
back to this part of the ship.”
    Spartan looked to
Khan. The Biomechs falling back was something unfamiliar to him. In
previous battles, the Biomechs had simply pushed on repeatedly
until they had achieved total victory. By withdrawing, they were
allowing a level of tactical skill and awareness that hadn’t been
seen before.
    “ Maybe there is
something a little more interesting than these bastardized
creatures on this ship?”
    He stamped

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