Make Me (Bully Me #2)

Make Me (Bully Me #2) by C. E. Starkweather Read Free Book Online

Book: Make Me (Bully Me #2) by C. E. Starkweather Read Free Book Online
Authors: C. E. Starkweather
went to her bedroom to see Shane lying on the bed in his boxers. "Come here," he said, holding his arms out. She swallowed hard. "Shane, I don’t..."
    "I don’t want sex tonight. I just need to hold you. Please, Kainie."
    She reluctantly climbed into his arms. He squeezed her tightly as she snuggled into his chest and sighed. "I love you, baby," he said softly.
    "I love you too," she murmured.
    Layla sat down at her desk and put her feet up. After the weekend she’d had, she was happy to get back to work. First, Garrett had called her and wanted to meet and talk. She had been so excited. When she went to the bar, he never showed up. She spent the whole weekend drinking and crying. Those days were mostly behind her, but she really hated being stood up.
    She looked up in surprise at Camden standing in the doorway. "Camden? What are you doing here? What happened to your face?"
    He cleared his throat. "That’s what I need to talk to you about. I’m worried about Kaine."
    She nodded cautiously, remembering what Kaine had told her.
    "I’m worried that Kaine’s husband is hurting her," he said.
    Layla burst out laughing. "Shane? Come on. He’d never hurt her. He’s like a big gentle giant. Why do you think that?"
    He stepped inside and closed the door. "He came to my house on Saturday and punched me. I went to check on Kaine after he left to make sure he hadn’t hurt her. Her arms...they were all bruised. She said the bruises were from her son, but I’m pretty sure they were from him."
    "He punched you? Why did he punch you?"
    "He thought I did something that I didn't do. At least that's what he said. I don’t know what Kaine told you about me..."
    "She told me that you used to stalk her," Layla said, crossing her arms. Camden nodded. "I know she hates me, and I don’t blame her one bit. But I’m worried. Shane...he’s not a good guy. I didn’t just ‘stalk’ her for no reason. I was scared for her. I still am. Did she ever tell you what he did to her back in high school?"
    Layla shook her head. "No. She just told me that he used to bully her."
    Camden sighed, rubbing his face. "It’s really none of my business."
    "No, tell me. Did he hurt her?"
    "Well...kind of. He used to call her names. One day he cornered her and ripped her clothes off. I found her naked and terrified."
    Layla gasped. "Shane did that? Are you serious?"
    "Yeah. I kicked his ass for it. He’s hated me for it ever since."
    "Kaine never told me that. I’ve met Shane before. He seems like he loves her so much. I can’t believe she married him if he was so horrible to her."
    "She thinks that he changed. And maybe he has. I’m not here to judge their marriage. I’m just worried about her. Can you talk to her and make sure she’s ok? And don’t tell her that I said anything. I don’t want her to think I’m starting problems. I just want to make sure she’s ok."
    Layla nodded. "Yeah, sure. But I really don’t think Shane would hurt her."
    "I hope you’re right," Camden said.
    Kaine kissed Shane on the forehead and left for work. She had spent the night in his arms, feeling comforted until she remembered the horrible text message. She wanted so badly to believe him, but she had to talk to Camden first. She was confident that she would be able to tell from his reaction if he had framed Shane. She hated that she had any doubt in her mind as to whether or not Shane was telling the truth. She walked into school and sat down at her desk, yawning.
    She looked up and smiled. "Hey, Layla. How was your weekend?"
    "It was kind of awful, actually. Garrett told me he wanted to talk but then he stood me up."
    "Oh Layla, I’m sorry. Men are such assholes."
    "Seriously," Layla agreed, walking to her desk. "What happened to your arms?"
    Kaine looked down. "Oh, this? Adam decided to have a tantrum when we sent him to our parents’ house. He calmed down when I sang to him."
    Layla pursed her lips. "Is that

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