Make Me Forget

Make Me Forget by Anna Brooks Read Free Book Online

Book: Make Me Forget by Anna Brooks Read Free Book Online
Authors: Anna Brooks
face. I laugh and turn to run away, but he scoops me up and sets me back on the couch. His strong arms cage me in, and he gives me a chaste kiss. “You good?”
    God, he’s so sweet . “Yeah, I’m good.”
    He leans down to kiss me again, and I grab the back of his head, keeping him there. I’ve gained some confidence and want to make him feel good, too. I trail my hand down his body until it reaches the band of his boxers. He grabs my wrist and hauls me up.
    “Nope. As much as I want your hands on me, that was all about you, baby.”
    Disappointment registers and I hang my head. I knew he would never want me like that. I’m not good enough for that, I don’t know what to do. “Okay.” I try to sound strong, but he sees right through me.
    He tilts my head up again, and when I look at him, he smiles. It’s not a huge smile, and all the other features on his face are tense. “Trust me, I’d like nothing more. The thought of it makes me…”
    He’s doing this for me. I finally get it. I reach up and give him a hug but avoid touching anything below his chest. I’m not a guy, but that’s gotta hurt.
    I really need to get home. My parents left the barbecue before me and think I’m still there. I’m a little mad at myself for how easy it’s been to lie to them in order to spend time with Travis. Plus, I need to get a handle on my emotions, and I can’t do that with him standing rock hard in front of me.  
    “I really need to go. Just so you know, I didn’t come over for that.” I wave my hand wildly at the couch. “I really wanted to see if you were alright after what happened.”
    “And I told you, I’m fine. I don’t care what excuse you have to use. You can come over and do that,” he mocks me and waves at the couch laughing, “any time you want.”
    I chuckle under my breath. “What did he say that made you so mad? Whatever it is, you have to know it’s not worth it.” 
    His face becomes serious, and he comes close enough that when he talks, his lips brush mine. “Oh, trust me, sweetheart, it’s worth it.”

    I lay in bed all night tossing and turning. I can’t wipe the smile off my face. Being with Travis makes me feel… happy. The simple word doesn’t even begin to describe the magnitude of its meaning. He doesn’t treat me like a kid, and I appreciate that more than he knows. Granted, I can’t tell him that. He’s gotta think I’m older. I mean, what twenty-something-year-old messes around with a girl in high school? Oh well, I guess since he hasn’t asked how old I am, he already knows and is okay with it. I bet Pierce told him.
    I wake up in the morning, and my phone beeps with an incoming text. I jump out of bed and run to my dresser in hopes it might be Travis. I grab it and run back to the bed to flip it open.
    Got any plans today?I want to see you again.
    I jump up and down in my bed and smooth the hair off my face before I reply.
    Not really.
    I press send and slap my forehead. Idiot. Not really, that’s the best you can come up with? I groan and fall back on my pillow. Hugging my cell to my chest, I close my eyes and remember everything that happened last night. My phone beeps again, and I almost drop it opening the screen.
    Can I pick you up?
    Shit, there’s no way. My dad will be watching me like a hawk. Plus, whenever someone comes to pick me up, he always walks me to the car and talks to my friends. He thinks he’s cool, and I guess he is, for a dad, but it’s kind of embarrassing.
    I’ll drive to your place.
    I rip through my suitcases and pull out a pair of shorts and tank top. I’ll have to tell my parents I’m hanging out with my friends again today. I hate lying to them, but it’s the only way.
    I’ll be waiting.
    Shit! I’ve gotta hurry. I jump in

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