Making Magic
was unmistakable. “Yes, ma’am.” Thea swung her feet out of the bed just as Ouida Russell stuck her head inside. She pushed the door open with a broad smile on her face. “There’s my favorite chick,” Ouida exclaimed, eyes glowing as she held out her arms.
    Thea came across the room to squeeze the soft round form of the woman she considered her grandmother in every way but DNA. “Oh, I missed you, woman. How are you?” She held the white-haired woman at arm’s length. “You look fabulous.”
    Ouida frowned at her. “More than I can say for you, young lady. When the sheriff carried you in here this morning, he near scared us all half to death.”
    Thea grimaced and leaned over to pick up Bailey, who was jumping on her leg for her share of attention. “Carried me, did he? How nice of him.”
    “I’ll say. You and that dog.” Ouida wrinkled her nose. “And both of you smelling to high heaven. I’d thought you’d crashed into the Hendersons’ pigsty for a moment.” She waved her hand in front of her face. “At least now the dog smells nice. Good thing Daniel’s fiancé is looking to adopt a dog. She was thrilled to take care of her for you.” She shook her head. “You should’ve seen Mel out there in the side yard with those goat clippers, trying to find out what was under all that dirt and matting. Your little dog…”
    “Bailey was just as meek as meek could be, sitting there patiently while she worked.” Ouida leaned over. “There were bugs setting up housekeeping on that dog. And here was Pooka, sniffing at everything Mel sheared off and wrinkling up his nose. I’m not sure he was happy about it when he realized there was a dog under there. And a girl at that.”
    Thea held Bailey out to look her over. She was lovely. Her coat was short, but not shaved off completely, and so very white and soft now. But there were no sores or wounds or any sign she’d been eaten up with fleas or ticks. “She looks great.”
    “Oh, she’s fine. They gave her a bath or two and Grace doctored her a bit. She says she’s in good shape, but needs some fattening up—like you.” Ouida put her hands on her hips. “I have a nice big supper ready for you downstairs, once you get yourself all spiffed up.”
    “Supper? Is it that late already?”
    “You’ve been asleep for a while, sweetie. I came up to get your sheets and that nightgown to wash.”
    Thea realized that she did smell pretty bad. She touched her hair and wondered if she might need Mel’s services as well.
    And Jake Moser had seen her like this? No, he had seen her so much worse than this. She closed her eyes, mortified. Smelling of spilled coffee, stale clothing and dog pee. Not to mention her raw, snot-filled—
    She touched her nose. It was unstuffed and not the least bit sore. She could smell that glorious meal waiting downstairs. She felt great.
    Ouida smiled. “Grace doctored on you a bit too. Now, we couldn’t find your clothes in that sports car of yours, so I put some of Grace’s in your closet there. She’s not wearing them at the moment—”
    She’d forgotten about Grace’s baby. “The baby’s due any time now, isn’t she?”
    “Two days ago. I won’t let her come upstairs these days. She’s so front-heavy, I’m afraid she’ll take a tumble. So if you want to see her, you need to get yourself cleaned up and come down!” She pointed to the bathroom. “There’s towels and everything you need in there.”
    Thea set the dog down and stripped the gown off, handing it over to Ouida as she headed for the bathroom.
    “What were you doing up there in that big city? Starving yourself?” Ouida said.
    Thea was unfazed by Ouida’s assessment of her nude form. The woman had practically changed her diapers. “Too busy to eat.”
    Ouida huffed. “Well we’ll fix that soon enough.”
    Thea turned and stuck out her tongue, which earned a laugh, then ducked into the bathroom.
    A while later she headed down the back

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