Mariette And The Cowboy (Western Night Series 2)
and Mariette sat there laughing – almost hysterically now. She may have exposed him, she may have saved many families and their land – but she had the worst feeling that she had pushed her luck way past its limits this time. Arrandale clearly had no qualms about using underhanded means to achieve his ends, would think nothing of sending one of his henchman in to put a bullet in her skull. She could only pray that she would be found, and soon.

    Chapter Seven
    Hardy was racing through the night. Caleb, the Sheriff and a group of men from Stephenville rode in a V behind him. Caleb had taken a minor detour from their route to fetch him, knowing that Hardy wouldn’t want to be missing from a search party for the woman he loved. They raced towards Fort Worth praying that Melissa was right. She had pretty quickly raised the alarm that Mariette was missing, and had then gone up to the office where she knew her friend had been working. She had found the bag of evidence and shown it immediately to the Sheriff – who had scolded her for keeping such information from him, but then galvanised the entire town into action.
    “Fort Worth Sheriff is waiting for us at Arrandale’s,” Michael Proud panted as he rode up. He had been sent on ahead to alert the lawmen. He had clearly ridden his horse to the limit. He was foaming at the bit and had sweat pouring from his withers. “Well done Michael,” Sheriff Harper said. Take it easy on your way home. There’ll be a drink or two for us all in the Saloon when we return I don’t doubt.”
    Hardy tipped his hat at the eager young man who had done his bit, and then pressed Blaze onwards. The road was a good one, relatively few ruts so they were able to cover the ground quickly, even though the night was dark. He knew now what a fool he had been. Nothing was more important than Mariette to him. His pride meant little if anything happened to her. He never wanted to leave her side ever again, and if that meant being seen as less of a man because his wife was wealthier than he, then so be it. He just knew he had to get to her, had to get her home safely.
    The mansion was one of the largest homes any of them had ever seen. Arrandale was clearly a wealthy man, though everyone in the party was certain little of it had been through hard work. When the townspeople had heard what this man had been doing to people like them all over the state they had been up in arms, and were determined to see him get his come-uppance. Hardy wanted to kill him with his bare hands for even daring to lay a hand or Mariette, but knew that it would be best if justice were served. Now he saw the manner in which he lived, he couldn’t help but agree. For a man used to this it would be one hell of a shock to find himself in a dirty cell, surrounded by the worst, most violent and unpleasant men on earth. Yes, some time in jail before he was hanged was far greater punishment. A quick death would be too easy.
    They found the local Sheriff and his deputies were already in place around the vast home, and now they were all together, they took their places and stormed the doors. It wasn’t long before they were in, and Arrandale had been found in his library drinking brandy. He blanched even paler as he saw their guns, and was more than happy to tell them where Mariette was being kept. Hardy rushed to the tiny room in the basement, barged through the flimsy door lock with his shoulder and almost sobbed as he saw the look of hope and love on Mariette’s face as she realised he was there.
    “Oh my love, I am so sorry,” she said. “Maybe I need to learn not to meddle so.”
    “No my darling you keep meddling. The world will be a better place without the likes of that in it,” he said as he unbound her hands and legs. “As long as you do it with me by your side at all times, I don’t mind what you do – though a few less night-time rescue missions would be great if you could possibly manage it,” he said

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