Wicked (The Drake Chronicles Book 1)

Wicked (The Drake Chronicles Book 1) by Clover Donovan Read Free Book Online

Book: Wicked (The Drake Chronicles Book 1) by Clover Donovan Read Free Book Online
Authors: Clover Donovan
    Ethan was seething with anger, how could his sister tell a complete stranger about what had happened? And not to mention that the conversation was embarrassing and Ethan felt as if he were being spoken to like a repulsive child.
    He didn’t want to speak to her right now, and unexpectedly he was okay with being as far away from her as possible. He felt utterly betrayed.
    The woods looked enchanting in the daylight, as Ethan and Adam passed. But Ethan knew better. With all the rage in him he kicked a large log and it flew into the woods, crashing into a bundle of trees.
                  “You’re angry with her, aren’t you?” Adam asked. His voice was deep and velvety, mesmerizing. Ethan ignored Adam and neared the shed, the anger still brewing beneath. 
    He kicked open the shed door, the wood slamming into the wall with a loud crack. Chunks of termite infested wood fell to the ground.
    Adam stood in the doorway, leaning back on the heels of his boots. Ethan turned and couldn’t help but laugh. Adam looked like a stunned deer.
                  “What the hell?” Adam said.
                  “You’re not allowed in here, unless I invite you in.” Ethan crossed his arms.
                  “Well, invite me in then,” Adam snapped.
                  “Not with that attitude,” Ethan retorted.
                  “Don’t speak to me about attitude Mr. Anger Issues,” Adam said.
    Ethan walked over to the door and stood in the doorway. Adam was way taller than him, and he couldn’t help but feel an attraction. He was stunning and smoldering.
                  “I’m not always angry, you know.”
                  “I know. I just like to push buttons,” Adam smirked. Ethan felt as if he were about to crumble from the way that Adam’s mouth curled.
                  “Fine, you may enter.” Ethan turned and headed back over to the desk. Adam looked around the room, taking it all in. Ethan snatched an old red backpack from inside of a box and tried shoving Katherine’s grimoire inside.
    Adam noticed and hurried over to him.
                  “Here, let me do it. You’re going to rip the spine clean off,” Adam said as he took the bag and grimoire from Ethan. Their hands touched for a second and Ethan felt as if his entire body had been invaded with an ice cold sensation.
                  “Are you a vampire ?” Ethan asked suddenly, feeling the fingers that Adam had just touched.
                  “No. I am a warlock, like you. Why would you think I was a vamp?” Adam held the grimoire in his hand as he used his other to empty the backpack on the ground.
                  “Because when you touched me it felt cold and icy,” Ethan said.
                  “That was our dark power. It was mingling , I suppose you could say.” Ethan took a step back, nearly knocking over a small cauldron.
                  “You have dark blood?” Ethan asked.
                  “I am a full dark warlock, Ethan. I turned eighteen last year. But I’m not as twisted as other dark bloods.”
    “Also I disagree with Bennett, if you feel like your dark powers complete you then you should let it be. I’m dark, and look at me; I’m not trying to take over the world, am I?” Ethan stared into Adam’s eyes.
    “It’s still kind of scary,” Ethan said. Mason had kept a lot from them it seemed and Ethan wondered just how much more they didn’t know.
    “It’s tremendously scary. But when it’s over, you’ll feel better. You are your own person. The only way you’ll end up like your father is if you choose to,” Adam said and smiled at Ethan.
    Ethan’s heart began to pound. Adam’s smile was electric and made him feel warm all

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