Marooned in Miami

Marooned in Miami by Sandra Bunino Read Free Book Online

Book: Marooned in Miami by Sandra Bunino Read Free Book Online
Authors: Sandra Bunino
Tags: Fiction, Erótica
and took out Jason's business card. The same spark ran through her as she brushed her fingers over the raised print. Her heart fluttered as his voice poured through her head, the choice is yours. God, what she wouldn’t do to hear him call her “Stef” and to feel his burning touch on her body.
    Stephanie laughed quietly and thought, Sin City, of all places. She realized that she already made up her mind. She made her decision when she walked out of that Miami Penthouse almost a month ago. Now, the decision to be made was how to contact him. There were a few options; phone, e-mail, text. Calling would be the most personal, but also the most frightening. No, she’d contact him electronically.
    * * * * *
    Jason’s Blackberry chimed just as he sat down for lunch with his general contractor. They were breaking ground that day on a new luxury multi-million-dollar housing development just outside of Salt Lake City. He pulled his phone from his pocket and read, "J - Vegas this Monday thru Wednesday. ~Stephanie." Jason smiled as he read the text.
    "Good news?" a voice asked from across the table.
    "You can say that. Excuse me a moment." Jason stepped outside of the restaurant. Oh sweet Stephanie, Vegas is perfect but two nights with you won't do. He texted back, "Friday - Wednesday."
    A minute later his Blackberry chimed again, "Not possible."
    Jason shook his head and typed, "You can swing it. I'll make the arrangements. See you Friday night." Jason hated to admit it, but he felt a sense of relief to hear from her. It had already been a month since their night together. He was fairly confident that she would reach out to him. He didn’t doubt for a second that she would be able to resist his last words, "I haven't tasted you yet." He knew the minute he saw her walking through the lobby in those sexy heels that one night with her would not be enough. His feelings were confirmed as soon as he felt her body next to his on the dance floor as she ran her fingers across his shoulders. That's why he had to give her a reason to see him again. It took every ounce of will power not to go down on her that night. He wanted to taste her sweet pussy, but resisted knowing it was the hook that would bring her back to him again.
    Thank God she contacted him. He couldn’t get her out of his mind and figured he would give her a total of six weeks before he made the trip to Boston to search out her sweet ass. True, he gave her the impression when he left her that morning that she was in control, that she would be the one to decide if they saw each other again. What she didn't know was he had her contact information from the hotel. Jason was a frequent guest at the Del Santos and it wasn't too difficult to convince Max Martin to give him her work address and phone numbers. He wasn’t about to let her go that easy. Back at his office, he called in a few favors and found out a little more about Stephanie and her life in Boston. She was thirty years old, which was ten years his junior. It seemed like a large age difference, but Jason prided himself on keeping young. He still had broad, muscular shoulders and washboard abs, thanks to daily workouts. He also had a full head of hair that he liked to keep on the longish side.
    Interestingly, he discovered another fact about Stephanie, one that he hadn’t expected. She was, in fact, recently divorced. She and her ex-husband, Gary, graduated college together and they were married for just over seven years until their divorce a couple of months ago. He racked his brain trying to figure out why she would lie to him. He understood why she would say she was married when they were stuck on the elevator. She obviously kept her ring on her finger as a deterrent to keep away unwanted attention. Why, didn’t she come clean after? He gave her a perfect opportunity to set the record straight the next morning when he asked about the male caller. Rick was his name. Maybe there was

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