Married Men

Married Men by Carl Weber Read Free Book Online

Book: Married Men by Carl Weber Read Free Book Online
Authors: Carl Weber
that I loved our daughter more than life itself. I’d decided to stick it out for twelve more years until my daughter was at least sixteen. That way she could have a normal childhood. I’m an honest believer in the theory that children need a complete family. Then out of nowhere Kenya was pregnant again with our second child, which meant another sixteen years shackled to her. I didn’t like it, but I had to deal with it. I was just gonna have to lead a double life, one side husband and father and the other side a cheat. I wasn’t proud of the fact that I was being unfaithful, but with the sex life I had at home, I didn’t feel I had a choice.
    I looked down at Jackie, who looked like she could use some encouragement. So I moaned loudly, pretending to be excited. Immediately she started to work harder.
    “You like that, Jay?” Jackie asked, lifting her head.
    I moaned again. “You know I do.”
    She smiled and returned to her work.
    “Keep doin’ what you doin’, baby, I just gotta call my old lady.”
    Reaching for my cell phone, I hit the speed-dial button to my mother-in-law’s house.
    “Hello?” I recognized my wife’s voice right away.
    “Hey, baby, I thought you’d be ’sleep. I was gonna leave a message that I’m on my way down there.” Kenya was spending the weekend with her parents in Baltimore.
    “You’re coming down here?” She sounded excited.
    “Yeah, I miss you. Plus I was thinking about going fishing with your pops.”
    “Really?” I could hear the excitement in her voice.
    “Yeah, I’ll see you in a few hours. Get some sleep, okay?”
    “Okay, Jay, I love you.”
    “Yeah, me too.” I hung up the phone certain that any suspicions she had were gone.
    Now I could relax and enjoy what Jackie was doing. Looking around to make sure no one was walking around the parking lot, I reached to my side and let my seat recline. I settled back comfortably and closed my eyes. It didn’t take long for Jackie to finish what she had started once I was concentrating on her skillful loving.
    Jackie sat up and checked herself in the rearview mirror, straightening out her hair. As she put on her lipstick, she glanced in my direction. I knew right away what she was gonna ask.
    “Why don’t you come on up so we can finish what we started?”
    “Sorry, baby, I gotta head outta town. But I’ll take care of you Monday, aw’ight?” I lifted my butt and pulled up my pants, buttoning the fly in a hurry.
    “Okay,” Jackie replied. She looked disappointed, but she’d get over it. She always did. As she opened the car door, Jackie leaned over to me for a kiss. I turned my head and offered her my cheek. No way was I kissing her after what she just did.
    Monday morning I walked into the Queens courthouse and paused at the doorway to get myself together. Kyle being in jail had really hit me hard. The bond I shared with him was different than the one I shared with Wil and Allen. Mainly because we’d both played sports and chased women together all our lives. Man, did we have some kind of rep with the ladies back in the days. Kyle was one of the smoothest talkers I’ve ever met. He could look at a woman, evaluate her, and tell her exactly what she wanted to hear within seconds. And the ones he couldn’t charm the drawers off would be mesmerized by my dimples. We were one hell of a team back then, until Lisa came into the picture and fucked it all up.
    After he met her, he became a different guy. He didn’t go anywhere without her, and fooling around was out of the question. Things just got even worse after they got married. The damn guy started acting like he was Bill Cosby. I wanted the old Kyle back so bad I tried to set him up one time by leaving some old panties and a used condom in his car. I don’t know what I was thinkin’ about. I guess I just wanted them to break up so Kyle and I could go back to doing our thing like we did in the old days. But I made one major mistake and got myself

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