May the Best Man Win

May the Best Man Win by M.T. Pope Read Free Book Online

Book: May the Best Man Win by M.T. Pope Read Free Book Online
Authors: M.T. Pope
that? Was I asking for too much or were my standards too high?
    I reached in one of my desk drawers and pulled out a Dove Dark Chocolate with Almonds bar and started to devour it. Dennis was right; I was going to eat myself heavy. And I knew all too well that color on a fat man was a no-no, but I was an emotional eater. And right now I was an emotional wreck. I threw the wrapper in the trash and continued to do my work for the rest of the day.
    On my way home from work I hoped and prayed that the unhappy Asian across the complex was up for some “unhappy” sex. Since we were both unhappy with our present situations, why not have some “unhappy” sex?
    But I pulled into my parking spot in front of my house and sat there for a minute, hoping that he would come out of his door “coincidentally.” I hoped that he waited by the window for me to come home like a mate would do. I looked in the rearview mirror a few times before giving up and getting out of my car.
    â€œExcuse me, can you do me a favor?” I turned to see a fine—and I mean fine—light-skinned guy standing before me.
    â€œWhat can I do to you?” I blurted out my innermost thoughts inadvertently.
    â€œHuh?” He looked at me, confused.
    â€œWow, I’m so sorry.” I was completely embarrassed. I looked away for a second before I spoke again. “That wasn’t supposed to come out.”
    â€œIt’s all good, and we’ve all had those moments,” he said, trying to make me feel at ease.
    â€œI guess.” I shrugged my shoulders. I was still embarrassed.
    â€œAnyway, I am new to the complex and I locked my keys in my car. Could you call a locksmith? Because I left my phone in my house, too.”
    â€œSure.” I pulled out my phone and Googled locksmiths in my area and within minutes he was on the phone arranging for a locksmith to pop his lock.
    â€œThank you so much.” He handed me back my phone. He had a well-manicured afro-type haircut and exquisitely tapered up goatee and mustache. He was gorgeous. Then he smiled and his teeth were subpar, a little dingy. It wasn’t a total mood killer but I wouldn’t kiss him right off either. “How can I pay you back for this?”
    â€œPay me back?” My mind wandered off to all types of places and I was in heaven just thinking about the possibilities of him and me getting it in sexually. “Don’t worry about it. It’s just a phone call. It was no problem at all, quite a pleasure actually.”
    â€œNah, tell you what. I’m a cook and I’ll invite you to the restaurant I cook at and cook you whatever you want on me.”
    â€œOh, you got it like that huh?” I looked him up and down lasciviously. I didn’t have a pure thought in my head right now.
    â€œMaybe, you’ll just have to come and check me out.”
    Too late for that, I thought as he handed me his card and smiled. I didn’t know what that smile meant but I wanted it to mean some fabulous, mind-blowing sex. I could see me going off into the sunset with him.
    â€œWell, let me go stand by the entrance gate so I can let the locksmith in when he comes.” He then turned and walked in the direction of the front gate. He had a fabulous walk and a nice butt, too.
    â€œDaniel Asher, master chef.” I looked at his card and smiled. “I wonder what else you’re a master at doing,” I said as I smiled and grinned as I walked to my front door and entered my apartment.
    I was definitely going to find out about Daniel and all of his skills. I could only hope he was at least on both sides of the fence or hopefully just my side. The shower I took before I went to bed was all that. I couldn’t help but masturbate in the shower just from the thought of maybe having a man who could cook in and out of the bedroom. Both were still to be determined. I was going to do my best to bring him on home.


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