Me Before You: A Novel

Me Before You: A Novel by Jojo Moyes Read Free Book Online Page B

Book: Me Before You: A Novel by Jojo Moyes Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jojo Moyes
shoulder, and set off at a brisk walk down the drive, as if I had somewhere I actually wanted to go. In fact, I just walked around the surrounding streets for half an hour, breathing hot clouds of breath into my tightly wrapped scarf.
    There were no cafes at this end of town, now that The Buttered Bun was closed. The castle was deserted. The nearest eating place was a gastropub, the kind of place where I doubted I could afford a drink, let alone a quick lunch. All the cars in the car park were huge and expensive with recent number plates.
    I stood in the castle car park, making sure I was out of view of Granta House, and dialled my sister’s number. ‘Hey.’
    ‘You know I can’t talk at work. You haven’t walked out, have you?’
    ‘No. I just needed to hear a friendly voice.’
    ‘Is he that bad?’
    ‘Treen, he
me. He looks at me like I’m something the cat dragged in. And he doesn’t even drink tea. I’m hiding from him.’
    ‘I can’t believe I’m hearing this.’
    ‘Just talk to him, for crying out loud. Of course he’s miserable. He’s stuck in a bloody wheelchair. And you’re probably being useless. Just talk to him. Get to know him. What’s the worst that can happen?’
    ‘I don’t know … I don’t know if I can stick it.’
    ‘I’m not telling Mum you’re giving up your job after half a day. They won’t give you any benefits, Lou. You can’t do this. We can’t afford for you to do this.’
    She was right. I realized I hated my sister.
    There was a brief silence. Treen’s voice turned uncharacteristically conciliatory. This was really worrying. It meant she knew I did actually have the worst job in the world. ‘Look,’ she said. ‘It’s just six months. Just do the six months, have something useful on your CV and you can get a job you actually like. And hey – look at it this way, at least it’s not working nights at the chicken factory, right?’
    ‘Nights at the chicken factory would feel like a holiday compared with –’
    ‘I’m going now, Lou. I’ll see you later.’
    ‘So would you like to go somewhere this afternoon? We could drive somewhere if you like.’
    Nathan had been gone for almost half an hour. I had spun out the washing of the tea mugs as long as humanly possible, and I thought that if I spent one more hour in this silent house my head might explode.
    He turned his head towards me. ‘Where did you have in mind?’
    ‘I don’t know. Just a drive in the country?’ I was doingthis thing I sometimes do of pretending I’m Treena. She is one of those people who are completely calm and competent, and as a result no one ever messes with her. I sounded, to my own ears, professional and upbeat.
    ‘The country,’ he said, as if considering it. ‘And what would we see. Some trees? Some sky?’
    ‘I don’t know. What do you normally do?’
    ‘I don’t
anything, Miss Clark. I can’t do anything any more. I sit. I just about exist.’
    ‘Well,’ I said, ‘I was told that you have a car that’s adapted for wheelchair use?’
    ‘And you’re worried that it will stop working if it doesn’t get used every day?’
    ‘No, but I –’
    ‘Are you telling me I should go out?’
    ‘I just thought –’
    ‘You thought a little drive would be good for me? A breath of fresh air?’
    ‘I’m just trying to –’
    ‘Miss Clark, my life is not going to be significantly improved by a drive around Stortfold’s country lanes.’ He turned away.
    His head had sunk into his shoulders and I wondered whether he was comfortable. It didn’t seem to be the time to ask him. We sat in silence.
    ‘Do you want me to bring you your computer?’
    ‘Why, have you thought of a good quadriplegic support group I could join? Quads R Us? The Tin Wheel Club?’
    I took a deep breath, trying to make my voice sound confident. ‘Okay … well … seeing as we’re going to spendall this time in each other’s company perhaps we could get to know something

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