Melting Point

Melting Point by Terry Towers Read Free Book Online

Book: Melting Point by Terry Towers Read Free Book Online
Authors: Terry Towers
their way across the parking lot toward the entrance to the work site. As they approached the first person she noticed was Brian, his back to them while he chatted up some of their co-workers.
    As if feeling their eyes on him, Brian slowly turned in their direction. Brian had indeed gotten the worst of the fight ; one of his eyes was still bruised from the blow he’d received and he seemed to be favouring his right side. His eyes narrowed as they spotted Trent and his lips turned to a sneer, displaying the fact he’d lost a tooth in the battle.  
    Faith couldn’t have kept back the gasp if she’d tried. “Oh God, you knocked his tooth out!” she whispered to Trent.
    Either her whisper was too loud or Brian had super hearing, because it was Brian who answered. “Yeah, I have to leave early to see the dentist because of that fucker.” Brian pointed to Trent as if to clarify in case she was unclear as to who was at fault. 
    “That’s too bad.”
    “You know how much I hate the dentist. My teeth were perfect until you sucker punched me!”
    To Faith’s surprise it wasn’t animosity that was in Brian’s tone, but it was more of a joking tone.
    “I’ll fuckin’ rough ya up again if you act like an ass,” Trent threatened, but his tone was also lighter and a smile spread across his lips. Trent’s threat was greeted by a round of laughter from their co-workers.
    “I look like a fucking pirate.” Brian turned to the other men , making a face. Another bout of laughter erupted. Brian turned back to Faith. “Listen, I had a chat with your friend Friday night and I think I owe you an apology.”
    Faith didn’t respond, but took a look up at Trent , who shrugged.
    “Look, I’ve been an ass. I get it. I was just fucking with ya. And maybe I felt –”
    “Threatened?” Faith supplied.
    Brian gritted his teeth as if that were a hard pill to swallow, but eventually nodded. It was evident this apology wasn’t an easy thing for him. “Something like that. So I apologize.”
    As much as she wanted to be difficult, the fact was , she’d never dreamed she’d ever get any sort of recognition about his behavior toward her; Faith decided to be satisfied with what she could get. She knew continuing the tension between them wouldn’t do anyone any good.
    “So we’re good?” Brian asked Faith and then shifted his attention to Trent. “So good?”
    Faith gave one more look at Trent who shrugged , offering no help, then turned her attention back to Brian. If things developed between her and Trent then Brian would not only be a part of her work life, but personal life as well. Holding onto a juvenile grudge wasn’t an option, regardless of how justified she felt it might be.
    “We’re good,” Faith confirmed , doing her best to make her smile look genuine.
    “Good.” To her surprise, Brian stepped up to her, slipping his arm over her shoulders and hugging her to his side. “Since we’re pals now, can you do me a favour and put in a good word for me with your friend? She’s got the impression I’m not a nicest of guys.” He grimaced. “And I think the missing tooth and black eye didn’t help either. But if you could be a lamb and talk to her…”
    Faith groaned out loud. Men!
    The End
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Excerpt From
    Tamed By The Cowboy
    Terry Towers
    Available Now

    Chapter 1
    “You have got to be kidding me. Hell no!” Samantha Wilkes knocked on the panel separating her from the driver of the Lincoln Town Car who had picked her up at the airport, care of her new stepfather’s brother, Connor Hudson. The driver acted as though he couldn’t hear her. She pounded harder, the panel between the driver and back seat shaking from the force.
    “This is

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