Men Of Flesh And Blood

Men Of Flesh And Blood by Emilia Clark Read Free Book Online Page B

Book: Men Of Flesh And Blood by Emilia Clark Read Free Book Online
Authors: Emilia Clark
Tags: History, vampire, True Crime, Serial Killers, flesh eaters, gruesome killings
this day would come in the form of
    Six six six is the
biblical symbol for the devil. On July 6th, Daniel and Manuela
invited a close friend named Frank Hackerts to a party. Daniel said
he would come and pick up Frank and also bring him back home after
the party. Daniel brought him back to his house where they hung out
listened to music and talked. They selected Hackerts apparently,
because he was a lover of the Beatles. A little while later, Daniel
took a hammer and struck Frank in the back of the head, killing him
instantly. Once they knew for sure Frank was dead, they stabbed him
66 times in the head. They then carved a Pentagram in his chest
with a scalpel.
    Daniel and Manuela then
drank Frank's blood. Once they were done drinking Frank's blood,
they picked up the body and put it in a coffin that they had in
their bedroom. Once Frank was in there, Manuela climbed in after
him and they both slept in the coffin for the night.
    After Daniel and Manuela
killed Frank Hackerts, they left their home in West Germany. Police
broke into their apartment three days later, and found and saw some
very gruesome stuff. They found a black and white poster of a woman
being hung in the bathroom, a collection of human skulls in their
living room, and the coffin in the bedroom where Manuela slept.
They also found bloody scalpels scattered all around the apartment.
After further investigation of the scene, police found the body of
Frank Hackerts. Along side of the body was a list of names that the
Rudas were possibly targeting next. Daniel and Manuela ended up
being found on July 12, 2001 in East Germany, in a city called
    Manuela claimed she was
first drawn to Satanism during a visit to Britain. She told the
court she drifted into the "gothic" scene after the Devil contacted
her when she was 14. At 16, bored by her life in the small German
town of Witten, she travelled to the Scottish Highlands where she
worked in a hotel for a few months and enjoyed the emptiness, the
cemeteries, and gloomy atmosphere of the low clouds, she said. She
spent time living in a cave on the Isle of Skye with Tom Leppard, a
heavily tattooed 62 year-old man.
    In London, she worked in a
gothic club in Islington where she claims to have joined a group
who attended "bite parties" and worshipped the Devil. "We drank
blood from living people," she told police. "We slept on graves.
One time we dug a grave and I slept in it, just to see what it
would feel like."
    Daniel and Manuela's
trials began in January 2002. The trials provided some more
gruesome details of what happened. The case was mainly on Manuela,
who had her teeth removed, and had animal fangs put in. Manuela
told the court that she had given Satan her soul and promised to
serve him after she died. Manuela's parents took the stand at the
trial, and they told the audience that she was an only child who
loved animals. Once Manuela turned 13, Manuela's parents were
getting upset at the way she was acting with punk type haircuts and
garish clothes. She was also running away from home. At the trial,
Manuela dressed in her normal fashion with black clothes, shaved
head, and had a cross-engraved in the sides of her head.
    During Daniel's part of
the trial, he said he was following orders from Satan. Daniel told
the court that if he killed a person with a car, the car doesn't go
to jail but the person does. Daniel they said he didn't do anything
wrong when he and Manuela killed Frank. In other words, it was
Satan’s fault. Daniel also told the court the reason why they
picked Frank for sacrifice was that he was funny and would be the
perfect court jester for Satan. Daniel dressed appropriately for
court, but was acting out. Daniel and Manuela were giving each
other signs with their fingers. Daniel was also sticking out his
tongue. Daniel was also showing up sometimes to court in costumes,
and threatened witnesses during the trial as well as the public who
was watching the

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