there had been some heated debate on both the dancing featured and the leading man.
Leslie nodded sagely. “But he didn’t actually say he’d have a problem with it, did he? I mean, it might not be something he’d ever thought about, but with the right man, someone he cared about? And he did say ‘I wouldn’t particularly want it’ meaning that perhaps there was a little room for manoeuvre in there, as if he wasn’t really being particular , he might consider it? And he thought some of them were beautiful, which means he must be attracted to them, right?” The words flowed from Leslie’s lovely mouth like a deluge of glitter, and Lenny could only watch in horrified wonder as his protégé gained momentum.
“Laverney, do you think you maybe overreacted and did one of those ‘knee-jerk’ thingies people do when they get all panicked? I mean, you were quite into this man and it seems such a pity if he’s trying to get back in touch that you don’t give him a chance to explain and maybe talk it over with him. Over a nice Rioja and a fancy dinner at Galileo’s perhaps?”
Lenny had reeled at the name ‘Laverney,’ which was a new development, and not one he liked. The way Leslie’s eyes sparkled, Lenny had a feeling it had been spurted out simply to make him take notice. He was also dizzy from watching Leslie’s slim hands wave around in front of his face like semaphores trying to direct an errant plane in to land.
Lenny stood up, pulling his dove-grey suit trousers from his arse crack, and smoothing them down. He fastened a stray mother of pearl button on his blouse, which had somehow come undone, exposing his boobs. Leslie stopped talking and watched in approval.
“Nice outfit. I haven’t seen those trousers before; are they new? The colour goes beautifully with your blouse.”
“Yes, they’re part of the new Fashionista range.”
Leslie huffed. “There’s something I meant to ask you. I see that Tracy Trey is getting into your area of expertise? He’s started doing men’s suits. I hope he doesn’t stop making his corsets and underwear. Oliver wouldn’t be happy.”
“I doubt he’ll stop designing the things that bring him the most revenue, Leslie. I think you and Oliver are safe.” Lenny nodded. “And, yes, I knew. I saw Tracy the other day at a lunch and he told me all about it. He gloated he was going to become a major competitor. The man’s a prick.”
Leslie’s eyes narrowed. “Isn’t that a bit dangerous?”
Lenny shrugged. “In my opinion, this market is big enough for us both. Tracy and I are not friends, but we work in the same industry. I can’t begrudge him expanding his plaid empire to make items like these.” He glanced down at them. “And let’s face it, mine will always trump his.” He grinned. “I made the Debussy suit famous by doing things differently and better.”
Leslie frowned. “Still. I saw one of his jackets on the catwalk. I thought it bore a resemblance to something you were working on a few months ago…? That retro design you decided not to go with because it didn’t look right.”
Now it was Lenny’s turn to frown. “Really? I didn’t see that. It must be a coincidence. I decided the design wasn’t good enough, so I binned it.”
“Do you shred your old drawings, boss?” His employee’s tone was all business. “We have that huge shredder out there, and the secure waste disposal service. You should be putting your stuff in there. Anyone could walk out of here with your thrown-away pieces of draft paper.”
Lenny laughed. “I trust my staff, chicken. We’re a small team of fifteen people, and I doubt any one of them would steal things from my waste bin.”
Leslie didn’t look convinced. “I’d still feel better if you disposed of them securely.”
Lenny loved it when Leslie got all serious. He was adorably efficient at his job despite his flirty, ‘I’m-a-drama-queen’ demeanour. It was why Lenny had hired him.
“Fine. If