want.” I handed him the order paper.
“Thank you, Kasey, you are a great help.” He began working on the food preparation. The Castillo family had been very hospitable to me these past months. With the exception of Catalina, the rest of the family made me feel like I was one of them. They only made me work one night a week at the restaurant. The rest of the time they told me to enjoy my stay in Spain and to get my school completed. They were truly good, wholesome people.
“Are you sure you do not want something to eat for yourself?” Señor Fernando asked.
“I’m sure. I can’t seem to get used to the ten o’clock dinners here,” I said.
“Well, you ate early. When you get hungry again let me know,” he said with genuine kindness.
“I’ll go out and see what they want for dinner,” I left the kitchen to face the Kleon brothers again.
Catalina stood at the Kleon’s table taking their dinner order. I knew she was probably doing it to get a rise out of me. She was constantly doing childish annoyances to get me mad. Like the day she placed conditioner in my shampoo and shampoo in my conditioner. She denied everything, and because I think her parents are afraid of what she might do; they ignore her immaturity. She acts as if I’m a ghost. Ignores me when I speak to her and mutters comments about me when I’m right there.
I walked over to their table and said, “Thanks Catalina. You’re such a great help.” I gave her a fake smile.
She looked cross at me and said, “The order is done. Take it to the kitchen.” She walked out of the restaurant.
“That poor child is so damaged,” Max said, shaking his head sympathetic.
I let out a low giggle.
“After all the things she has done to you Kasey, you are still nice to her. I am impressed,” Martin said.
“That’s weird how do you know about all the things she has done?” I never told Dion about Catalina’s behavior. Martin seemed nervous and the others looked at him waiting for his answer.
“I, um, heard it from Garcia.” His words stumbled out.
“Well anyways, I have some strong beliefs in Karma. She has issues she needs to work out and is taking them out on me.”
Dion cringed and Max shook his head as if I said something inappropriate. John and Martin smirked.
“Did I say something wrong?” I asked afraid that I’d somehow put my foot in my mouth.
“No, Kasey you are fine.” Dion glanced at Max.
“Okay, I’ll go put your order in.”
The rest of the night was quiet. The Kleon brothers didn’t say much to me again. When my shift was over, I went upstairs and sprawled across my tiny bed. It felt nice to lay back and relax. I took a few seconds to gather myself and then reached up onto the desk to grab my cell phone. I had an awful habit of checking it constantly even though I never received any messages. This time when I looked at the tiny screen, I blinked several times. The little pop up box read the number eight with Nolan’s name next to it. There were no messages. My heart sunk to the bottom of my stomach. Something was wrong. Why would he call eight times and not leave a message? Frantic, I hit the call back button and held my breath with each ring. Finally, after the fifth ring, I heard his voice.
“Kasey, why haven’t you called me back?” He sounded hysterical.
“I was working, what’s wrong? Is everyone okay?”
“No! Kase I don’t know what to do. I…I… can’t take this anymore. They are nuts, completely out of their minds!” He began to bawl over the phone.
I let out a sigh of relief no one was hurt. Then I switched my tone to the understanding older sister. “Just tell me what’s happened.”
In between sobs he managed to say, “They...they…have joined a nudist colony. They actually think I’m going to go live with them completely naked. How can our parents be so insane?”
My mouth dropped, “What!”
“Nudist, Kasey, they have become nudist,” he said calmer.
I was prepared for