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Book: Meuric Read Free Book Online
why the Conclave cannot serve any sovereign. Who can say in which hearts that the Dark Ones sit?”
    â€œExactly what then is The Balance?” questioned Meuric, sitting more upright now.
    â€œThe whole world works in a balance, a constant shifting of motion that always seems to complement itself. With death, there is life; with youth, there is old age; with good, there is evil. These are just a few examples and to rhyme them all off would take a full day and more probably. Even in the Otherworld you have places of light and of darkness as well as Wardens Keep.”
    â€œWardens Keep!” exclaimed Meuric, a little surprised.
    Paden nodded. “Yes. Where Wardens Keep is a place of study, training and defence of the realms there are places out there, secret places that to speak of would mean death, that deal with the study of dark magick. These people specialise in destruction and chaos and engage with those we call the Dark Ones. They sell their Gifts to the highest bidders and think nothing of their mark on Terit’re.”
    The boy considered this information for some moments. Finally, he stated, “I want to be a Knight Protector someday.” He wiped his nose on the back of his hand. “I want to protect the Kel’akh Nation from evil gods.”
    The Oak Seer’s face turned serious as he looked to Meuric. “It is a very lonely existence being a member of the Protectorate, little one. Yes, you could live forever in theory but you get to watch all those you know grow old and die. You always have to move on before others discover your secret. It can be especially difficult when it comes to your own kin or lineage. Even throughout the Conclave, you will be regarded as different.
    â€œPeople will work with you, laugh with you, perhaps even become your friend, but they will never be your equal. The Knight Protectors look at others with eyes that are far-seeing. Normal men will look at them and see someone who is more powerful, gifted by the gods and made immortal. Jealously and fear are never too far away. They can still die like any man, but are harder to kill. It has not been unheard of for a member of the Protectorate to lose their way and turn to darkness or be ambushed and murdered after his or her identity has been discovered.
    â€œThat is why the Council does not drink from the Cauldron-of-Plenty. They understand the need of Balance and the Knight Protectors in a fashion become the opposite of that also. They are an offence against the natural order of mortality. The need for powerful warriors to fight battles against the Dark Ones has always been a necessary one. Think not that the Knight Protectors are unbeatable. Another way of controlling them is that their Gifts, when used too often, tire them greatly so they must use them sparely.”
    â€œI do not care,” uttered Meuric. “I will be the greatest Knight Protector.”
    Sadness touched the Paden’s eyes then. “All young boys want to be warriors, little one. How would you feel about becoming an Oak Seer? I would say a Bard but I have heard you sing.” He laughed aloud. “Seriously though, how about following the path of magick in some fashion? I know for a fact that you would be an ideal candidate for some of the more elite research schools within Wardens Keep. How about becoming a historian, maybe?”
    Meuric gave him a look that was both a mixture of alarm and confusion. He stood and took a step back, all of a sudden wanting to create distance. “Why would I want to be one of them?” He almost spat the words. “They do not get rich or know glory through battle. Nor do they get to kill men?”
    â€œIn their own way they do get to become rich and know glory, Meuric,” replied Paden a little too defensively. “They become rich through knowledge and gain glory through position. As to the killing of many men,” Paden shook his head, “not usually, except in

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