Midnight Exposure

Midnight Exposure by Melinda Leigh Read Free Book Online

Book: Midnight Exposure by Melinda Leigh Read Free Book Online
Authors: Melinda Leigh
face. “Could be soap. But if someone took the time to soap your windows, why would he wipe it off minutes later?”
    Jayne pulled the picture up on the LCD display on the back of her camera. “See.”
    Hugh leaned in. “Looks like a bunch of scribbling to me.”
    Reed scanned the parking lot. If the miscreant had wiped the soap off her windshield, the miscreant was nearby. Maybe watching them right now. Daylight reflected off the back windows of the diner, the darker interior making the customers inside invisible.
    There was a pause as Hugh considered. “We’ll fill out a report and ask around, but unless we get lucky and someone actually saw the incident, there isn’t much I can do.”
    “What about getting the surveillance tapes from the parking lot?”
    “Nathan doesn’t have cameras out there,” Hugh said.
    “So, there’s nothing you can do?” Jayne’s frustration bubbled into her voice.
    “Again, I’m sorry, Miss Sullivan. This kind of thing doesn’t happen too often practically next door to the police station. Did you argue with anybody?” Hugh asked.
    Her resigned exhalation signaled surrender. “I’ve been here less than a day. I checked into the inn. I took some pictures. I ate lunch at the diner. That’s it.”
    “I’m sorry you had such an inhospitable welcome, Miss Sullivan.” Hugh sighed. “It was probably teenagers. Even small towns have their share of juvenile delinquents. We have more vandalism than you’d think. I’ll do what I can, but I can’t promise anything. Let’s go to my office. You can give me a list of everyone you’ve interacted with since you arrived.”
    Hugh led the way back toward the station.
    “There’s something else.” Jayne’s voice lowered as she reluctantly fell into step beside the chief, but Reed could still hear her. “A man my testimony put in prison was granted parole last week. During the trial, he made threats.”
    “But he’s in Pennsylvania?” The chief was sharper than he looked. He’d noticed her license plates.
    “Last I heard he was still in Philadelphia.”
    “Keep in mind that a stranger stands out in Huntsville. He can’t hide in plain sight here. Someone would notice him right away,” the chief pointed out. “Why don’t you give me his information so I can get a picture? That way I can keep an eye out for him. I’ll call the auto shop for you, too. We’ll take pictures of the damage and have the auto shop pick up your vehicle.”
    “All right. Thank you.” But she didn’t sound relieved by Hugh’s offer.
    As their feet hit the sidewalk, Reed gave the diner parking lot another quick scan. The odd crime did not sit well in his gut. If Jayne was telling the truth, someone was following her. If it was Bill, Reed doubted she was in any danger. But Bill wouldn’t slash her tires. Would he?
    They descended into the municipal building’s basement. Hugh opened the door to the station and held it for Jayne. He escorted her into his office and filled out a report while Reed waited in the lobby. “I’ll need a copy of that picture.”
    “Your computer’s a little old. It doesn’t have the right memory card slot. I’ll e-mail it to you as soon as I get back to the inn.” Jayne gave Hugh her personal information.
    Ten minutes later, Hugh ushered her toward the exit. “Can you come back tomorrow and sign your statement?”
    “Yes. Looks like I’m stuck here anyway.” She bit the words off, her body rigid. “I’m sorry. I don’t do the victim thing very well.”
    Reed’s eyes flicked back to the scar on her face. Why did it bother him so much? It wasn’t like he knew her or was likely to ever see her again.
    But he wanted to. And wasn’t that a kick in the teeth? The first woman to attract his attention in years was just passing through. Just as well. He had no place in his life for a woman, especially a woman with baggage.
    “That’s OK. You’ve every right to be mad. It’s tears I can’t handle.” Hugh patted

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