Midnight Jasmine (Devil's Hornets MC Book 1)

Midnight Jasmine (Devil's Hornets MC Book 1) by Kathryn Thomas Read Free Book Online

Book: Midnight Jasmine (Devil's Hornets MC Book 1) by Kathryn Thomas Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kathryn Thomas
and he’d be late. There were times when that had happened when he was a child, and although it may be dumb, he didn’t want his mother to feel like she’d been forgotten. She was able to take care of herself, but she did often forget to take the numerous medications she was supposed to take, and as for taking her blood sugar, she was just too squeamish to prick her finger.
    “I know you work hard, Jack. Sylvia and I were having a great time laughing and talking. We didn’t even realize how late it was.” She laid her hand on his cheek and tapped him softly. “You treat me like I’m your child, not the other way around. I can take care of myself. I admit I don’t like pricking my finger for the blood draws, but beside that I do okay.”
    Jack knew his mother appreciated what he did for her, but he just wanted to do something extra. Did he feel guilty that he slept in late and stayed up all night working? Yes, he did. Even though he knew she understood and was fine with her friends and neighbors. She wasn’t an invalid, but she did need someone to check on her, and even though he’d moved her to a ritzy place where she always deserved to live, she’d not allowed him to hire someone to stay with her.
    She turned to walk back into the living room. “You should have seen the woman who brought them in. Whew, she was quite a looker.” His mother loved to match make for him, but recently she’d stopped, and he was grateful, but it looked like someone got her started up again.
    “Really? What did she look like?” He wondered if Natalie brought the flowers herself or if she just had a female delivery person.
    His mother loved to tell a story and with this there was no exception. She sat down and took a deep breath and just like that, it was story time. “She had deep blue eyes and shoulder length brown hair, but it looked like there was a tint of red in it somehow. The woman seemed like a gentle soul, but she has a hidden fire and a body like a 50’s pin up model, I guarantee it. I offered her a drink and hoped she’d sit down and stay until you got here, but she said she had to go. Her name was Natalie.”
    He knew when she talked about her body that it was his date for the evening. Speaking of which, he had to get ready if he wanted to be on time. “I’ve got to go out, Mom, so I need to get ready.”
    “You need to get ready?” She looked him up and down, but didn’t say anything else about his appearance. “Well make sure you keep yourself safe.”
    “Will do.” He rushed off before she started her weekly talk about grandchildren and wives. Just because she’d not been playing matchmaker, that hadn’t stopped her mouth from going on about her grandchildren. That was something that wasn’t going to happen anytime soon, if ever, so he didn’t like to waste either of their time talking about it.

    He walked up the same stairs he’d watched her go up less than 24 hours ago, but this time he was happy that it was not going to end with him, blue balls and him thinking about her while jacking off.
    She opened the door and had her purse in hand. “You’re on time.”
    “I never like to waste anyone’s time. I don’t think I’ve ever seen anyone ready before I even knocked.” He didn’t like to think she was hiding, but for some reason, she didn’t want him to come inside.
    “Prompt. That’s how I like to be remembered.” She was a bit off this evening, but maybe it was because of first date nerves.
    “I guess we’re ready then.”
    “I should have asked you what to wear. I assumed that you’d have your bike, and we’d be riding to where we’re going, so I dressed casually.” She seemed rather flustered, and he wondered what had happened between when she saw him last and now. The fact that she was still going on the date with him said that she probably didn’t find out any information about him, and he

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