
Millennium by Tom Holland Read Free Book Online Page A

Book: Millennium by Tom Holland Read Free Book Online
Authors: Tom Holland
Muslims, Jews, and Christians Created a Culture of Tolerance in Medieval Spain
(New York, 2002). Dt.
Die Palme im Westen: Muslime, Juden und Christen im alten Andalusien
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    Milis, Ludo J. R.:
Angelic Monks and Earthly Men
(Woodbridge, 1992).
    Miller, Timothy S. und Nesbitt, John:
Peace and War in Byzantium: Essays in Honor of George T. Dennis, S. J.
(Washington, DC, 1995).
    Möhring, Hannes:
Der Weltkaiser der Endzeit. Entstehung, Wandel und Wirkung einer tausendjährigen Weissagung
(Stuttgart, 2000).
    Moore, Robert Ian:
The Birth of Popular Heresy
(London, 1975).
The Origins of European Dissent
(London, 1977).
The Formation of a Persecuting Society: Power and Deviance in Western Europe, 950–1250
(Oxford, 1990).
    – Heresy, Repression and Social Change in the Age of Gregorian Reform, in
Christendom and its Discontents: Exclusion, Persecution, and Rebellion, 1000–1500
, hrsg. v. Scott L. Waugh und Peter D. Diehl (Cambridge, 1996).
    – The Birth of Heresy: A Millennial Phenomenon (
Journal of Religious History
24/1, 2000).
The First European Revolution, c. 970–1215
(Oxford, 2000). Dt.
Die erste europäische Revolution: Gesellschaft und Kultur im Hochmittelalter
. Übers. v. Peter Knecht (München, 2001). [482]
    Morghen, Raffaello:
Gregorio VII e la Riforma della Chiesa nel Secolo XI
(Palermo, 1974).
    Morillo, Stephen (Hrsg.):
The Battle of Hastings
(Woodbridge, 1996).
    Morris, Colin:
The Papal Monarchy: The Western Church from 1050 to 1250
(Oxford, 1989).
    Morrison, Karl F.: The Gregorian Reform, in
Christian Spirituality: Origins to the Twelfth Century
, hrsg. v. Bernard McGinn und John Meyendorff (London, 1986).
    Moulin, Léo:
La Vie Quotidienne des Religieux au Moyen Âge (Xe–XVe Siècle)
(Paris, 1978).
    Mütherich, F.: The Library of Otto III, in
The Role of the Book in Medieval Culture
, hrsg. v. Peter Ganz (Turnhout, 1986).
    Navari, Joseph: The Leitmotiv in the Mathematical Thought of Gerbert of Aurillac (
Journal of Medieval History
1, 1975).
    Nelson, Janet L.:
Politics and Ritual in Early Medieval Europe
(London, 1986).
The Frankish World, 750–900
(London, 1996).
Rulers and Ruling Families in Early Medieval Europe
(Aldershot, 1999).
    Niles, John D. und Amodio, Mark:
Anglo-Scandinavian England: Norse–English Relations in the Period before the Conquest
(Lanham, 1989).
    Noble, T. F. X.:
The Republic of St Peter: The Birth of the Papal State, 680–825
(Philadelphia, 1984).
    Norwich, John Julius:
The Normans in the South, 1016–1130
(London, 1967). Dt.
Die Wikinger im Mittelmeer: Das Südreich der Normannen 1016–1130
. Übers. v. Maximiliane von Meng (Wiesbaden, 1968).
    O’Callaghan, Joseph F.:
Reconquest and Crusade in Medieval Spain
(Philadelphia, 2003).
    O’Leary, De Lacy:
A Short History of the Fatimid Khalifate
(London, 1923).
    Ortigues, E. und Iogna-Prat, D.: Raoul Glaber et l’Historiographie Clunisienne (
Studi Medievali
26/2, 1985).
    O’Shea, Stephen:
Sea of Faith: Islam and Christianity in the Medieval Mediterranean World
(London, 2006).
    Page, R. I.:
Chronicles of the Vikings: Records, Memorials and Myths
(Bath, 2002).
    Partner, Nancy (Hrsg.):
Writing Medieval History
(London, 2005).
    Paxton, Frederick S.:
Christianizing Death: The Creation of a Ritual Process in Early Medieval Europe
(Ithaca, 1990).
    Pelteret, David A. E.:
Slavery in Early Mediaeval England: From the Reign of Alfred until the Twelfth Century
(Woodbridge, 1995).
    Pérez de Urbel, Justo: El Culto de Santiago en el Siglo X (
16, 1971).
    Peters, F. E.:
Jerusalem: The Holy City in the Eyes of Chroniclers, Visitors, Pilgrims, and Prophets from the Days of Abraham to the Beginnings of Modern Times
(Princeton, 1985).
    Phillips, Jonathan (Hrsg.):
The First Crusade: Origins and Impact
(Manchester, 1997).
    Pognon, Edmond:
La Vie Quotidienne en l’An Mille
(Paris, 1981).
Hugues Capet et la France Féodale
(Paris, 1989).
    Poly, Jean-Pierre: Le Capétien

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