Mindhunters 4 - Deadly Intent

Mindhunters 4 - Deadly Intent by Kylie Brant Read Free Book Online

Book: Mindhunters 4 - Deadly Intent by Kylie Brant Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kylie Brant
Tags: Fiction, General, Suspense, Romance, Thrillers, Mystery & Detective, Forensic linguistics
got inside. He watched Hubbard’s next-door neighbor power up a snowblower and begin the torturous job of clearing the walk in front of his house, inwardly shaking his head. If that was part of the character of home owning, he’d take his town house, any day.
    “We’ve got company.” Macy’s words had his attention jerking back to the street. The squad car rolling to a stop beside them hopefully meant that their forced idleness was over. He got out of the car and waited impatiently for Travis to accept the paperwork that had taken—he checked his watch again—a little over three and a half hours to process. Lightninglike speed to get a judge to sign a warrant, but he’d never been a fan of stakeouts.
    When Travis had finished with the officer, he tucked the warrant inside his coat before circling to the back of the vehicle and popping the trunk. Macy joined them and they grabbed their evidence kits before heading for the nondescript stucco house.
    “Where do you want to enter?”
    “Less noticeable if we go in the back.”
    Snow-blowing guy already seemed more interested in them than he was in his task. Kell led the way around the attached garage, where they’d be out of sight of nosy neighbors. The most recent footprints in the deep snow were theirs. They’d taken a look through the windows and knocked on doors when they’d first arrived, with no more success than the officers had had.
    “Is there an alarm system?” Macy asked as they headed up the stone steps.
    “It doesn’t matter . . .” Travis started.
    “Give me a few minutes. I think I can circumvent.” Kell opened his kit and withdrew his picks before shoving the bag in Macy’s arms.
    “Circumvent?” Doubt dropped from her word.
    “There’s no need for that, Burke.” Travis was stamping the snow off his boots. “We’ll set the alarm off once we’re in anyway. Just kick the damn door in.”
    “That’s one solution. But it lacks finesse.” He pulled off his gloves and stuffed them in his pockets. Flexing his fingers, he squatted to peer into the state-of-the-art dead bolt. “Ah, six-pin double cylinder. An expensive one, too. Bet they told you it was pickproof, didn’t they? Idiots.” Pulling on a pair of rubber gloves from the kit, he selected the torque and rake tools and went to work.
    “You believe this?” the agent muttered to Macy.
    “Oddly . . . yes.”
    He barely heard them. He was in that familiar zone, listening for pins to release as he delicately manipulated the picks.
    “You’ll trip the alarm anyway, so what’s the use of us standing out here freezing our asses . . .” Travis’s words trailed off as Kell withdrew the tools and rose, turning the knob and pushing the door open. The agent looked at him, then at the door.
    “What was that? Under thirty seconds, right?” Kell had forgotten to look at his watch before starting. “Did anyone time me?”
    “What are you, six?” Macy jammed his kit against his chest with a bit more force than he thought necessary before stepping carefully over the threshold to the rug spread on the floor in front of the door. She glanced at the keypad mounted next to the doorjamb. The officer stationed out front could deal with the security company rep sent over to check on the silent alarm their entry would set off.
    Travis muttered, “A drill would have been faster.”
    “As it happens, I’m equally adept with a snap gun, but it doesn’t hold the same challenge.” He gestured for the agent to proceed through the door ahead of him while he tucked the picks inside his coat. Macy already had her boots off and shoe covers on her stocking feet. He followed suit, watching carefully to be sure the agent pulled on gloves and shoe covers. Raiker would have his ass if every effort wasn’t made to preserve evidence.
    He swung the door shut behind him and just stood still for a moment, absorbing impressions. They were standing in a kitchen that hadn’t been modernized for a couple

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