Mischief in a Fur Coat

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Book: Mischief in a Fur Coat by Sloane Meyers Read Free Book Online
Authors: Sloane Meyers
    “Whatever,” Drew said, starting to head for the door of the cabin. “We’re just friends.”
    But the sound of Bash and Mia’s laughter followed him as he walked across the meadow. He hadn’t realized he’d been so transparent with his feelings for Hope. He hadn’t even been spending that much time around her, so how could everyone have already picked up on the fact that he was pining over her? Drew’s frown deepened. He really needed to get better about keeping his expression neutral.
    He walked into the forest, grateful for the cover the trees provided. He felt a little more undercover here, like he could think without everyone trying to see into his brain. Without really thinking about it, his footsteps started heading toward the waterfall. He knew Hope would be there. It was her favorite spot, and the view made for some great artistic inspiration.
    Drew hadn’t actually seen any of Hope’s paintings yet. He knew she had already filled a few of the canvases he’d given her, but she hadn’t offered to show him and he hadn’t wanted to push. Art was such a personal thing, after all. And he wasn’t sure exactly how personal things were going to get between the two of them.
    As he walked toward the waterfall, he mulled over everything in his mind. He’d spent the last several years of his life going for what he wanted and not giving a shit what anyone else thought of him. His clan, and his family in particular, had often tried to convince him to leave his cabin in Michigan and come back to reality. But he’d been perfectly happy out here. Why would he leave? What was there to go back to in the real world that was so much better? Computers could never win out over sunshine and fresh air. And, besides, now his shifter friends were happy that he had spent so much time living off the grid. He was saving their lives, and his access to the black market of gas powered vehicles had proven useful when computerized hovercars were too risky to use.
    But now, for perhaps the first time in his life, Drew was really holding back from going after something he wanted. He wanted Hope, but things were so complicated. They were living in such close quarters that things would get really awkward really quickly if she rejected him. Drew had always been confident around women, but he’d never been interested in a shifter woman before.
    He had to admit, although he was pretty badass, it was hard to measure up to the giants that shifter men were. Drew was tall and muscular by human standards. But would Hope think that was enough? Would she want to be with someone who couldn’t shift into a bear to protect her if the need arose?
    Drew kicked a nearby tree trunk in frustration. He was nearly to the waterfall, and he still had no plan for what he was going to say. He almost turned around, but he forced himself to keep going. If there was one thing he’d learned about himself over the years, it was that he could never get rid of an idea once it had lodged itself deep in his mind. And the idea of Hope and him together had been eating at him for a while. If he didn’t at least try to talk to her, he was going to drive himself crazy. Besides, what kind of man backed down from talking to a woman who filled him with desire? Drew wasn’t a coward. He was a strong man, and he was going to talk to Hope. If she rejected him then he would take it like a man.
    Drew held his head high as he walked out of the forest and into the clearing were the waterfall rushed noisily. As he suspected, Hope was there with her art supplies spread out. She had her back to him as she carefully studied the waterfall and made gentle brushstrokes back and forth across her canvas. Drew paused for a few moments to admire her. She wore a hoodie, but it was slightly fitted so it still showed off the delicious curves of her body. Her hair was pulled up into a messy bun, with stray wisps dancing around her head every time the wind blew. Drew bit his bottom lip

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