truly was beautiful in an innocent yet worldly way. She was a walking oxymoron
of naïve experience and virtuous passion—a spring waiting to be tapped like the
one in Bath which offered restorative properties and improved health to those
who drank from it. Would Edward’s mind and body improve under Anne’s tender ministrations?
Lord knew that he had not been right since he lost her. He had never again experienced
that same joy and hope that she had given him during their brief courtship. And
though he knew that he wanted to hurt her, he also knew that a life without her
in it would be a dull life indeed. But crush her he would to avenge himself for
the way she had torn his heart and life to shreds.
“Undress, Guy.” Edward pulled off
his own clothes and watched as his lover did the same. When they were both
naked, Edward pulled Guy to him and kissed him again, this time more tenderly
than before. Guy ground his hips into Edward so that their erections met and
their mutual arousal intensified.
Edward reached around his lover
and slipped his finger between the artist’s tight buttocks, sliding it into the
tight heat that he longed to penetrate with his cock. Guy gasped against Edward’s
mouth. “Let me suck you first.”
“Yes.” Edward allowed Guy to
lower him to the bed, then he surrendered to the hot mouth and tongue of his
lover, his pleasure all the sweeter because he knew that the very same lips had
so recently caressed the woman he loved.
Guy opened his eyes and rolled
over. He was in bed alone and in the late afternoon, the room was orange with
the setting sun. Edward stood at the window still naked. Guy admired his tight
buttocks and broad shoulders. Edward’s hair was jet black and shiny as a
raven’s feathers but he kept it short, cropped close to his head. He was Guy’s
image of the perfect male. Tall, dark, honed. He had eyes as brown as cinnamon
and thick black lashes that a woman would envy. Guy loved him. Not just because
Edward had saved him from a life of poverty and degradation but because his
patron was such a good man. Though Edward tried to portray himself as a
hardened aristocrat who cared not a damn for man nor beast, Guy knew that he was in fact generous and kind. Edward would not see a
puppy kicked, let alone a maid beaten or a child starving in the street. Which
was why his lover’s determination to humiliate and hurt Anne Blackburn was all the stranger to him. Did he really hate her so? If
indeed it was hate.
“Edward?” Guy spoke softly,
wanting to encourage Edward to talk. Anne had been a stranger when they had
discussed her previously but now that Guy knew her, he was concerned by
Edward’s plans.
“Yes.” Edward turned and Guy eyed
his broad chest with its black hair and small brown nipples. The hair ran in a
narrow line from Edward’s chest and past his navel, down to his cock which
swung now as he moved. Long and thick, even when relaxed.
As Edward perched upon the edge
of the bed, Guy sat up and moved behind him, kneading the older man’s
shoulders. Edward leaned into his touch and groaned as Guy worked away the
knots of tension that had gathered there.
“Edward…why do
you want Anne’s degradation so badly?” His lover stiffened beneath his
“I told you. She is a wanton and
should be punished.”
“But are you certain she hurt you
deliberately?” Guy continued pressing his fingers into Edward’s shoulders while
he worked around his spine with his thumbs.
“She hurt me badly. A long time
ago, maybe, but she deserves to be punished for it.”
“I know, my love, I know. But are
you sure that you want to see her publicly humiliated? What can you hope to
gain, now, after all this time, by ruining her reputation? Remember, I have
been with her and spoken to her. She is not some heartless harpy out to destroy
any male who steps in her path.” He chewed his lip, fearful of upsetting his
Edward pulled himself out of
Guy’s hands
The Education of Lady Frances