Mitchell's Presence

Mitchell's Presence by D. W. Marchwell Read Free Book Online Page A

Book: Mitchell's Presence by D. W. Marchwell Read Free Book Online
Authors: D. W. Marchwell
Tags: M/M romance
the man you fell in love with.”
    “Please don’t say anything yet, please?” Arthur removed his parka and put it over Mitchell’s shoulders. “You’ll need this to help me unload the trunk.” When Mitchell didn’t move right away, Arthur asked, softly, forcing himself to look at those eyes, “Please?”
    “Okay.” Mitchell smiled up at Arthur, the older man flooded with relief as Mitchell followed him outside.
    Arthur opened the trunk of his car, watching the confused and astonished look on Mitchell’s face at seeing the dozens and dozens of wrapped gifts. “There are more in the bags in the back seat.” Arthur picked out one wrapped box from the trunk. “You told me once that you were sorry I didn’t get it.” Arthur put down the box he was holding and faced Mitchell, wanting to reach out and touch him. “Now, I do get it.” Arthur pulled another box from the trunk and placed it on top of the others. “It isn’t just money you’re giving these people; it’s hope, it’s understanding.” Arthur looked into Mitchell’s eyes, tears forming even in the cold. “You’re letting them know, for a couple of seconds in what must be an incredibly hard life, that they’re not invisible, that you won’t walk around them, past them, stare through them. That,” Arthur choked on the lump in his throat, “there is such a thing as angels.”
    “Arthur?” Mitchell moved closer to him. “What I was going to say in there is that… I didn’t return your calls because I thought… I wasn’t interested in changing you, Arthur.” Mitchell placed his hand on Arthur’s chest; Arthur could feel the heat through his thin sweater. “I left that Saturday because I thought you were happy with your life. But I guess I was wrong, because here you are.” Mitchell slowly wrapped both of his arms around Arthur’s waist, his head lying gently on the taller man’s chest.
    Arthur would get another chance, and he assured himself he would not blow this one. He would get to spend Christmas, New Year’s, the rest of his life with his own angel, no matter where that happened to be; he didn’t care as long as he could look into Mitchell’s eyes and see himself as Mitchell had always seen him.
    There, on the street, Arthur closed his eyes, wrapped his arms around Mitchell, and felt, noting the irony of it all, as if he’d finally found a home.

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About the Author
    When D. W. Marchwell is not teaching future generations the wonders of science, he can usually be found hiking, writing, riding horses, trying new recipes, or searching for and lovingly restoring discarded antique furniture. A goofy and incurable romantic, D.W. admits that his stories are inspired by actual events and that he has a soft spot for those where boy not only meets boy but also turns out to be boy’s soul mate. After almost fifteen years of working his way across Canada, D.W has finally found the perfect place to live at the foot of the Canadian Rockies. He still can’t believe how lucky he is, and, as his grandmother taught him, counts his blessings every day.
    E-mail D.W. at [email protected].

    Mitchell’s Presense ©Copyright D.W. Marchwell, 2009
    Published by
    Dreamspinner Press
    4760 Preston Road
    Suite 244-149
    Frisco, TX 75034
    This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents either are the product of the authors’ imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, business establishments, events or locales is entirely coincidental.
    Cover Art by Paul Richmond
    Cover Design by Mara McKennen
    This book is licensed to the original purchaser only. Duplication or distribution via any means is illegal and a violation of International

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