Monkey Business

Monkey Business by Sarah Mlynowski Read Free Book Online

Book: Monkey Business by Sarah Mlynowski Read Free Book Online
Authors: Sarah Mlynowski
best-looking chicks in the class to be in our group. According to him, Lauren is bi, and currently prefers females. How hot is that? Lesbian eye-candy.
    I flush, wash my hands and let them air-dry as I head outside. Think I’ll take a nice Sunday afternoon nap. Not that I’ve done anything today to merit a nap. I woke up at eight,stared at the ceiling, had brunch with Nick, bought some pharmaceuticals at the drugstore and spoke to Sharon.
    As I push back the door, Kimmy is pulling it open. She’s looking pretty damn hot. Wearing tight black spandex shorts, a black bra that exposes her flat stomach, a red sweatshirt slung around her hips, little white socks, bright white runners. My guess: Going to the gym. Her brown hair is pulled back into a high ponytail, exposing soft-looking triangular ears. I love women’s ears. I can spend hours running my fingers through Sharon’s hair and playing with her ears.
    â€œHi, Russ,” Kimmy says.
    â€œWhere you off to?” I ask like an idiot.
    She smiles. “The gym.”
    â€œYeah? Have you been already? I’ve been meaning to check it out.” I can’t believe I haven’t gone yet. Any build I have is going to melt if I’m not careful.
    â€œI’ve gone a few times this week. It’s pretty good. There’s a wait for some of the machines, but not too bad.” The sweatshirt slips down her body exposing a fine-looking ass, but then she reties it. “Want to come with me?”
    Why not? Sounds like a constructive way to spend a Sunday. “Sure. Do you mind waiting two minutes for me to grab my gym stuff?”
    She smiles and takes a sip from her water bottle. “No problem. I have to use the bathroom anyway. Why don’t I meet you in the courtyard and then we’ll head over together?”
    â€œGive me five,” I say, trying to mentally block out the bathroom part. I sprint back to my room and grab the gym shorts and T-shirt I wore yesterday to play basketball with some of the guys. I suck, but it’s fun. I started playing postcollege to help pump up.
    Wonder if Sharon would care that I was going to the gym with a chick. Probably, eh? What should I have said, no? I can’t go to the gym with you, I have a girlfriend? She wasn’thitting on me. Probably knows about Sharon, anyway. I must have mentioned it.
    I spot Kimmy staring into the sunlight in the courtyard. She’s wearing sunglasses. I need to buy new sunglasses. Left mine in Toronto.
    â€œLet’s go,” she says, now wearing the sweatshirt. Shame.
    It’s getting cold. Wish I had a sweatshirt. “Where is this place?”
    â€œAt the back of the Student Services Center. Not far.”
    She walks fast for a girl. Her ponytail swings from side to side like a tennis ball in play. Sharon is the slowest walker ever. If I don’t pay attention, I leave her a half a block behind.
    â€œSo how do you like school so far?” she asks.
    â€œIt’s cool. I went to University of Toronto, so I lived at home.”
    â€œWere you in a frat?”
    â€œNo, no frat. Not my thing.” I decide not to tell her that I didn’t have much of a life in college. I preferred my calculator and comic books to beer kegs. Of course, that changed in my last year, when I met Sharon. “I bet you were in a sorority, eh?”
    â€œNo way. I’m not a gamma, gamma, gamma, can I help ya help ya help ya type girl.”
    I can’t help mentally casting her as one of the sorority girls in Revenge of the Nerds.
    â€œHow do you like the dorm?” she asks, and takes another sip of her water. “Want some?”
    I shake my head. “The dorm is all right. Not used to sharing a floor with so many people.” Not used to sharing a water bottle, either. Sharon doesn’t like when I take sips from other people’s drinks in case any of them are sick and then I get her sick.
    â€œI know. I feel like I’m

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