Monster Baiter (An Obscure Magic Book 6)

Monster Baiter (An Obscure Magic Book 6) by Viola Grace Read Free Book Online

Book: Monster Baiter (An Obscure Magic Book 6) by Viola Grace Read Free Book Online
Authors: Viola Grace
Tags: Romance, Fantasy, Paranormal, Magic, Adult
object that I need to take away with me, so you are getting off with a warning regarding the stuff you were shipping. Now, I am off to demand those missing items from your clients, so you had better prepare for that.”
    He shuddered nervously. “I will prepare for the fallout.”
    “Good. I will deal with what is going on with the Doringer collection.” She held up the box. “I would like to make sure that I sign this out. If I can return it to you, I will.”
    He scowled. “What is that? I don’t remember seeing it.”
    “It is a flute.”
    “It wasn’t on the manifest.”
    She snorted. “It isn’t mage magic. It was probably hiding.”
    Gratifyingly, he didn’t ask her how she had seen it. He just wrote a receipt for the flute, and he kept a copy while giving her one.
    “What estates do you have coming in?”
    “The Meldon collection, as well as the furniture from Imrick the Bold.”
    “Good. I will be here next week. Keep it in quarantine until I clear it.”
    She reached into her purse and wrote a clearance for all items in quarantine with the exception of the items previously mentioned. It was important to keep records. When she was done, she signed it, folded her copy and handed the other copy to him.
    “There you go. I am going to do a quick run through, just in case.”
    “Of course, Madam DeMonstre. Thank you for the clearance.”
    She inclined her head. “Thank you for your cooperation.”
    Sophy went through the inventory with her senses open wide. Two small bookshelves that would cause confusion were easily dealt with, and the rest were clear.
    When she left, she felt the relief in the father and son. She didn’t blame them. This was a stopgap measure to slow the cursed objects entering the city. Nothing would stop them, but you could slow them down. Collectors would still collect, and those with evil intent would still find some way to curse their targets. More cursed objects were born every day.
    She put the box in her passenger seat and asked Magnus, “Well? Anything in response to my request?”
    “Four objects and each is tainted with demon magic.”
    “Fan-fucking-tastic.” She looked at her phone. “Can you dial the Ganger house for me?”
    She held the phone to her ear and smiled when she heard a familiar voice. “Hello, Lenora, this is Sophy. Can I bring something by and get Emile to take a look at it?”
    “Of course, dear. Come over.”
    “Thank you, Lenora. See you in ten minutes.”
    She put the car in gear, backed out and then shifted to drive to the Ganger house. Benny’s wedding was just a few days in the past, and Benny herself was now firmly in the XIA.
    The time spent around the Ganger family kitchen was a fond memory for Sophy. Her parents and the Gangers were friends of long standing, and that friendship had extended to their daughters.
    Benny had taught Sophy so much about identifying power signatures when her father was refusing to help with the training. When her aunt was injured, he changed his mind, and fortunately, her training had occurred without him agreeing to it. Everyone around her had helped her become capable and ready.
    The Gangers were like her aunt and uncle. The fact that their home was the largest extranatural research library on the coast made visiting them just a little bit more fun than normal.
    “You are familiar with the Gangers?” Magnus sounded surprised.
    “Sure. I was at their daughter’s wedding a short time ago.”
    Magnus asked politely, “Will you take me in with you?”
    She blinked. “Um, sure. Why?”
    “I would like to speak to the current head of the family.”
    Sophy quirked her lips. “Technically that is Benny, but she is out of town.”
    “If I may, I would like to speak to the current eldest family member in residence.”
    “Oh, sure. That is Harcourt Emile. I am not sure which he prefers to go by right now.”
    “Please allow me to talk with him.”
    “Well, his wife is also a Ph.D. You might be

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