bat-cave-sized pit opened in Lala’s stomach.
she wanted to scream.
I have to win first!
She twirled a piece of hair around her left fang as if she were five again.
Vlad put his icy hand on her shoulder.
She forced herself to breathe slowly.
In through the nose, out through the mouth…
Her dark eyes scanned the words on her computer screen. The thing with writing was that it was never done. Sentences could always be better. Words more lyrical. Grammar more good.
Blue fed another bite of escarole to the Worminator. “Let’s have a Captain Cook. We’ll tell ya if its bodgy.”
“Yeah, hurry up and read it to us,” Clawdeen said, smoothing the miniature orange-and-fuchsia sequined tulle skirt she’d made for Fuego’s sister, Caliente.
Lala turned down the music and cleared her throat. “Don’t laugh, okay?”
“Game up and read it already, will ya?” Irish Emmy said.
Lala sighed. “Okay, here goes….” She began to read the message aloud.
Dear Brigitte T’eau Shoes and Dally Sports Apparel,
My name is Lala. Short for Draculaura. I’m a huge fan of T’eau footwear, and I’m sure I would love Dally sportswear, only I’m not superathletic. My boyfriend, Clawd, is on the football team, though. And he has four pairs. Three with those spiky things on the bottom so hedoesn’t slip, and a pair of cross-trainers for full-moon nights, when he has to run through the woods and hide so he doesn’t freak out the normies.
Anyway, we go to Merston High. You know, that school in Salem, Oregon, that’s been in the news lately because we have monsters? Just in case Ms. T’eau hasn’t heard of us (not because she’s clueless but because she lives in France, and I assume that country has its own news). I know we’d be perfect for your merger contest.
For example, I’m a vampire. (Don’t worry, you’re safe with me. Blood makes me faint. True story!) And my boyfriend is a werewolf. So is my best friend, Clawdeen. We are also friends with mummies, Frankenstein’s granddaughter, invisibles, sea monsters, a Siren, zombies, a split personality, a Gorgon, and a ton of normies (people like you, unless you’re hiding something, LOL).
We in the Regular Attribute Dodger (or RAD) community used to live in total hiding. But over the past six months, we have come out of the shoe closet (get it?) and merged with the normies at our school. We are just like your shoes, only alive—well, most of us anyway.
We would love to be the first sponsored high school in North America. We would put your logo on everything. Your sponsorship would really help us upgrade our school to accommodate the different needs of the RADs and would give others the courage to live openly. Oh, and I would be a fang-tastic leader.
P.S. I have the T’eau Mary Janes, in oxblood, from 2009. You really should consider bringing them back. The strap tore off my left one, and I’m dying for another pair. (Not literally. I can’t really die. Not anymore, at least. Which is another reason I’d make a great leader.)
“Brava!” Vlad dabbed his eyes with his ascot.
“Deadly fierce!” Irish Emmy cheered.
“Mad corker!” Blue shouted.
Clawdeen clapped her hands. “Perfect!” Lala wasn’t sure if Clawdeen was clapping because the letter was good or just because now they could focus on her video blog. “I knew it would be great, La! Send it.”
Lala read through the letter one more time. Her lips moved silently as her dark eyes tracked across the glowing screen. She glanced at Vlad. He winked. She sighed and kissed her fingertips, pressing them to the screen. “Okay, here goes…”
This is for you, Dad
. She hit Send and instantly felt like she could breathe again.
You can’t say I didn’t try.
Then she jumped up and grabbed some ribbons. “You guys start on the intro while Blue, Vlad, and I put the final touches on the models.”
Irish Emmy switched on her video camera and started pressing buttons on the side.
Larry Schweikart, Michael Allen