More Than Great Riches

More Than Great Riches by Jan Washburn Read Free Book Online Page A

Book: More Than Great Riches by Jan Washburn Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jan Washburn
beginning to unravel. The taxes are so long overdue, I’m really afraid that the
     town will take his house. How long will it take for the judge to approve my petition?
    Keith steepled his hands and peered over them, his face solemn. Well, there’s some red
     tape involved. It might take several weeks. But the judge will appoint a temporary
     conservator, someone the judge knows and trusts, to deal with Jeff’s immediate needs.
     He’ll also appoint a guardian ad litem to conduct a full investigation of your
     qualifications. The judge won’t appoint you as conservator until the guardian ad litem
     makes his report, either recommending your appointment or not.
    Tracy’s anxiety level shot up to the top of the meter. With her reputation, a judge would
     never consider approving her petition to handle her brother’s money. What happens if the
     guardian doesn’t recommend my appointment?
    Keith didn’t appear concerned. Well, the immediate problem is payment of the property
     taxes. The temporary conservator can take care of that. Then it will be time to address
     the matter of your appointment to take over as conservator.
     How can I find out who has been named temporary conservator? He’ll need to see the tax
     bill right away.
    I should know within a week. And then Keith’s all-business demeanor disappeared. He was
     Prince Charming again. His voice took on an intimate tone. Maybe the judge will appoint me
     temporary conservator. We could spend some quality time together reviewing Jeff’s
     situation. He emphasized the word quality with a suggestive lift of an eyebrow.
     Tracy didn’t respond. She did not want to spend one quality minute in the company of
     Keith Bradford. She pushed back her chair and surged to her feet.
     Before she turned away, Keith circled his desk. He put an arm around her and pulled her
     closer. Tracy, he purred, we made a good team. You know you’re the only woman I ever
     really cared for. Marrying Louise was just political strategy.
    Tracy was trembling from head to toe. Furious, she pulled away from his touch and stared
     at him in disbelief. Did he think that by coming to him for legal advice she was issuing a
     subtle invitation to rekindle their relationship? Had he forgotten that he had humiliated
     her and smeared her name before the whole town of Allerton?
     But she needed his help. She clenched her fists, keeping a tight hold on her rage.
     Whatever your reasons, Keith, you are a married man. Please call me as soon as you know
     the name of the temporary conservator. Shoulders squared, she turned and left his office,
     stifling the urge to slam the door.

More than Great Riches
    Maggie brought her dusty blue pickup truck to a stop in front of the Allerton Community
     Church and let the engine idle.
    Tracy took a fast peek into the rearview mirror. Do I look all right? All she had to wear
     was the same skirt and blouse that she had worn to Keith’s office.
    You look great.
    Right. Tracy made a face. She clambered down to the sidewalk. Drive carefully and say hi
     to Paul for me. Maggie was taking the day off to attend church in Brockton where her
     brother was conducting the service.
    Mr. Perkins said he’d drive you home, Maggie reminded her. You don’t want to walk two
     miles in those heels.
    Thanks, Mother Hen. Mr. Perkins was an elderly gentleman who sometimes helped out at the
     kennels. Leave it to Maggie to make all the arrangements for her.
    Maggie waved as the truck rumbled away from the curb. Tracy stood for a moment gazing up
     at the tall steeple. When she was young, she firmly believed that the spire reached all
     the way to heaven. The simple straight lines of the old building gave her a sense of peace.
    Palm Sunday. With all that had happened during the past few days, she almost forgot that
     Holy Week was beginning.
    She was nearly trampled as a gaggle of children burst

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