More Than Great Riches

More Than Great Riches by Jan Washburn Read Free Book Online Page B

Book: More Than Great Riches by Jan Washburn Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jan Washburn
out of the side door waving palm
     fronds. The children were followed by a frantic young woman who was trying to coax them
     into a line. She looked like a harried shepherd with an unruly flock of lambs. If Tracy
     didn’t hurry inside, she would miss their grand processional.
    She wasn’t sure of her reception by the members. Three years ago, most of the congregation
     stood by her while Keith dropped sly hints and insinuations about her character, but there
     were a few who apparently wished she would find another church.
    She needn’t have worried. She was greeted warmly with hugs and handshakes. There were a
     few who didn’t seem to see her, but she decided to give them the benefit of the doubt.
    As she looked for a place to sit, she spotted Keith and his wife in the second row
     Bradford pew. If she was lucky, he wouldn’t notice her. She wanted to hear the judge’s
     decision about the temporary conservator and the guardian ad litem, but church wasn’t the
     place to discuss business.
    Quietly she slipped into a pew and sat back, enjoying the familiar scene. Several of the
     choir members were waving hello, and she waggled her fingers at them. Rev. Edwards—or Rev.
     Jim, as everyone called him—smiled at her from the pulpit. Some of the older members still
     referred to him as the new minister. He had only been with the church for six years.
    And then she recognized Leif Ericson sitting in the bass section of the choir. That
     shouldn’t be too much of a surprise. His deep voice probably reached the lowest note ever
    The processional music began, and the children paraded in. Triumphantly waving their palm
     fronds, they managed to muss some hairdos among the ladies sitting along the aisle, but no
     one seemed to mind
    The service was joyful, the music was inspiring, and Rev. Jim’s sermon really touched her
     heart. During the sermon he spoke of Jesus’ healing as he traveled the road to Jerusalem.
     She prayed that the Lord’s healing power would touch her brother.
    After the benediction, she joined the line waiting to shake the minister’s hand. Although
     several people hurried past her without a word, a crowd gathered around her, welcoming her
     back and asking about Jeff. She felt wrapped in love.
    By the time she reached the door, she found Leif trailing behind her. There was no
     escaping the chief of police. She had seen him in jeans and a windbreaker, she had seen
     him in uniform, and now she added a suit and tie to the list. It pained her to admit that
     he looked good in any of them.
    A very attractive young woman clung to his arm, gazing adoringly into his eyes. She looked
     like a Shirley Temple doll with blond ringlets framing her heart-shaped face, bedecked in
     a glittering array of gold—earrings, necklace, bracelets, rings. This had to be Mrs. Leif.
     Somehow, this woman wasn’t the type Tracy imagined Leif would choose as his wife—not that
     she spent a lot of time thinking about him.
    Rev. Jim took her hand and then gave her a hug. Tracy, it’s great to have you here. I
     heard your beautiful voice when we sang the hymns. We’d love to have you join the choir
    She fumbled for a response. I—I’m not sure how long I’ll be in town. It all depends on
     Jeff’s condition.
    I understand, he said gently. Leif tells me he’s in critical condition. We’re all praying
     for him.
    She fought back the tears that were welling. Thank you. He needs everyone’s prayers.
    Tracy couldn’t help but notice the long look the pastor exchanged with Leif. Was there
     something about Jeff they weren’t telling her?
    Rev. Jim continued, Just remember that we love you. Even if you’re only here for a few
     weeks, we hope you’ll join us.
    The whole choir was talking about you, Leif added. They’d really like to have you come
    Tracy tensed. She was being backed into a corner. When she returned to Allerton, she had
     no intention

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