More Than One Night

More Than One Night by Nicole Leiren Read Free Book Online

Book: More Than One Night by Nicole Leiren Read Free Book Online
Authors: Nicole Leiren
she hoped so. The gesture warmed her more than the salsa verde .
    She waited while the food was placed in front of them and sampled her first taste of the enchilada. The combination of flavors, savory tinged with heat, tantalized her taste buds. "Oh, this is amazing. Another point scored for Dr. Jekyll."
    He gave a slight smile. "I also get a point for not kissing you senseless in the parking lot earlier."
    A quick sip of the strawberry margarita in the large glass proved a useless attempt to hide the heat spreading across her cheeks. "Maybe two." Subtract two, that is. The man could kiss. Dear God, could he kiss. Time to get the conversation back on track. "You said you were former military. What branch?"
    His shoulders moved back as his chin thrust out. "Army, one hundred and first airborne division."
    She sat up straighter and smiled. "That was the same division my dad served with in Vietnam. Screaming Eagles."
    Laughter bubbled to the surface as she remembered all the reminders her father had given her growing up about not confusing the different branches of the military. "Yes, not to be mistaken for hoorah."
    He widened his eyes before giving her a big smile. "Hell no. We don't allow marine talk around here. Do we soldier?"
    The laughter escaped, and she shook her head. "Sir, no, sir."
    After a few more bites of food, the desire to know more about him prompted another question. "What do you do now?"
    "That's not an easy question." Daniel's attention diverted to his beer bottle.
    Remembering his words to her on the plane, she grinned and winked. "I believe you phrased it best. How do you earn your paycheck?"
    He played with the label on the bottle, his eyes lowered. "I don't currently earn one. I'm going into business for myself."
    "What type of business?"
    Finally, eye contact. "Repairing and building custom motorcycles. I love to ride and tinker around with them. Figured after doing what Uncle Sam wanted, followed closely by what my ex wanted, it was time to do what I wanted."
    "Good for you." She reached across the table and laid her hand over his, squeezing it in encouragement. "Tell me about your ex." There was no true explanation for her question other than her continued curiosity about what made the man sitting across from her tick. He intrigued her. She was beginning to think she liked intrigue.
    "Most women don't like to hear about the past women in a man's life."
    "Well, you said she was your ex. You're not still sleeping with her, are you?" If he answered yes, she would perform her vanishing act faster than she did last night. She prayed her purse contained enough cash for a cab ride back to the hotel.
    Daniel's face screwed up in a look resembling horror. "God, no."
    "That bad, eh?"
    He nodded. "That bad. What about you? Ever been married?"
    She lifted her hand to her hair and slowly twisted a lock. Don't cry. He doesn't know. It's an innocent question. " No, never."
    "So no kids then?"
    Her heart clenched along with her jaw. Honestly, get a grip. She knew it was irrational, but this topic always unsettled her. "No. You?"
    Unlike the forced smile she put on for others when this topic arose, Daniel's smile lit up his entire face. "My daughter is the best thing that has ever happened to me, and the only good thing that came from my relationship with my ex. As a matter of fact, the only reason I still talk to the ex is Annie. Have to keep the peace or she'll use my visitations with her as a bargaining chip."
    He has a daughter… "Tell me about her."
    "The ex?"
    "No, I've changed my mind. I'd rather hear about Annie."
    "Does the fact I have a daughter scare you off? I wouldn't blame you if it did."
    No, but the fact he might want more children gave her pause. Let it go. "I'm a children's librarian, remember? I adore kids."
    "Anastasia is eight. Everyone calls her Annie. Her nickname is Princess. Blonde hair and blue eyes like her mother, but that's where the likeness stops. She's sweet, full of

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