Morrison (Caldwell Brothers #2)
Resume life.
    Momma always said, “The boys won’t like it if you beat ’em, HaileySue. You gotta hustle harder, play smarter, and tip the right man off. Know your place, darlin’.”
    “Yeah, Momma, how’d that work out for you?” I mutter to the dry Vegas air around me. Then I blow out a frustrated breath as I make my way to my car.
    You have got to be fucking kidding me right now!
    The minute I think this night can’t possibly get any longer, it damn sure does. One of these entitledmotherfuckers has parked his car behind mine, blocking me in with no way out. I am sure his Porsche won’t look so good when I leave the imprint of my little Nissan hatchback’s bumper in the passenger door.
    Going over to my car, I unlock the door manually, since the keyless entry no longer works. Annoyance consumes me as I step out of my heels and let my feet hit the gravel beneath me. At thispoint, I don’t care how dirty it is—my feet hurt, my life is a complete mess, and tonight has been never-ending.
    I toss my purse into the back as I reach in to grab my duffel bag. Opening it up, I put some sweats on over my skirt, grab an old T-shirt, and cover my pushed-up, barely covered tatas, then start pulling the pins out of my hair. Once I free my locks from their fancy updo, I quicklythrow it all up in a messy bun on top of my head.
    Glamorous, I am not.
    Once I have adjusted my look from work life to real life, I wait.
    Impatiently, I wait.
    If this guy is in a tournament and winning, I could be here all fucking morning. Making my way over to the car impeding my escape, I run my manicured finger over the edge of the beauty.
    One day, I will be just like these entitled fucks.One day, I will park my car wherever the hell I please without any regard for its being towed, hit, or stolen.
    Must be nice to not care about losing a hundred grand.
    I wish money was all that was at stake for me. But some of us can’t be so lucky, can we?
    I’m tapping my finger on the trunk when I hear a whistle behind me.
    “Get your fuckin’ hands off my ride!” A suit-wearing prick comes runningover, muttering something about not having his usual valet guy.
    Well, la-dee-da, park your own car and you won’t have to worry about which valet guy stowed your ride in the wrong place.
    “Oh, what’s wrong? Afraid you might get a little dirt on ‘precious’ here? We wouldn’t want that now, would we?” I mock him, wiggling a finger in the air before bringing it back down onto the car. The acrylicon my nails does nothing to remotely scratch the clear coat of the vehicle, but it does make the asshole move faster.
    “Are you fuckin’ crazy? That car cost more than some people’s houses.”
    “Crazy? Nope. Pissed the fuck off? You betcha.”
    He looks at me, tilting his head to the side as if he is truly studying me. Then his hand comes up to his chest in mock pain.
    “Pissed at me? Why would yoube pissed at me, babe?”
    “ ‘Babe’—fucking ‘Babe.’ Do I look like a pig to you?” I look down at my ripped sweats and college shirt, then raise my hand to ward off his response. I do look like a pig. And bottom line, I can’t risk being at war with any underground players, so it’s time to swallow my pride yet again. “Don’t answer that. I think we’re getting off on the wrong foot.”
    I extend my handto him and put myself in the sweet zone as best I can. “I’m Hailey. I work inside and just got off. I came outside, ready to go home…only, you seem to have blocked me in.” I can be sweet at least long enough for him to say something stupid or move his car. I hope he can shut up and we can both move on.
    His eyes dance in humor as he takes my hand in his, giving me a firm handshake. “Call me Caldwell.”

Chapter 7
    Call me Caldwell, call me Big Daddy, call me whatever you want as long as those red fucking lips are talking on the bone phone.
    After looking at fancily dressed broads all night, even blowing a few off so I

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