Motor City Wolf

Motor City Wolf by Cindy Spencer Pape Read Free Book Online

Book: Motor City Wolf by Cindy Spencer Pape Read Free Book Online
Authors: Cindy Spencer Pape
suckle the other, she moaned his name and tangled her hands in his hair. Low in her belly, the pressure began to tighten into a knot and she arched into him, wanting more.
    He supported her easily with one arm behind her bowed back. With his other hand, he unsnapped and unzipped her jeans before sliding his fingers inside her stretch-lace boy shorts. He slid the tips through her wet folds before rubbing gently against her clitoris. That simply, Fianna’s world exploded. Sparks of light flashed behind her eyelids, which had fluttered shut. Tingles radiated from her womb all the way to her fingers and toes. The strangled cry she heard surely couldn’t have come from her, but the gasping, ragged breathing did. All she could do was hold on to Greg’s shoulders as he gentled his fingers and lips, easing her down from her climax.
    “Beautiful,” he murmured against her breastbone a few moments later. “Damn, woman, I can’t wait to see what it’s like to actually be inside you when you come like that.”
    “I’ve never…” She gulped and swallowed hard. “I didn’t know that could happen.”
    He straightened, pulling her into an upright position so he could gaze into her eyes. “Fianna, you can’t possibly mean you’re a virgin?” His dark brown eyes searched her face.
    “No.” Would he think less of her for that admission? She knew her face must be scarlet with embarrassment. “One of my cousin’s friends approached me when I was younger, and I was curious enough to try. It was painful and messy and nothing at all like what we did.”
    “The man was an idiot.”
    “He told me I was frigid.”
    “Then he was a liar and an idiot.” He kissed the tip of her nose.
    “But I didn’t…I’ve never done that before, at least not with another person in the room.”
    “You’ve never come from being petted? Or never at all, with a man?” He kissed her cheeks and then her lips, so she couldn’t answer right away.
    “With anyone but myself. Lana took me to this shop and told me to buy a…”
    “Vibrator?” he supplied.
    Fianna nodded. “That’s the only way I’ve ever had an orgasm.” She’d read about sex and fantasized about it. Since being exiled to the mortal realm, she’d discovered a fondness for romance novels, especially the really steamy ones. Sitting on Greg’s lap, still in her jeans, though, was the closest she’d ever come to the kind of passion in the books. “And it was nothing like that.”
    Greg moaned and licked her throat. “When you used that vibrator, were you thinking about anyone in particular?”
    “You.” Of course. Even in her imagination, no one had ever excited her the way he did.
    “One of these days, I’m going to watch,” he warned her. “For now, though…”
    He lifted her off his lap and stood, holding her upright beside him as he grabbed a pile of white linen off a shelf behind him and laid it on the floor, unfolding it to reveal a sturdy tablecloth. “Dressing up the club was one of Lana’s experiments that didn’t work. It’s not much of a bed, princess, but it’s the best I can do.” He toed off his sneakers and shrugged out of his T-shirt. His chest was amazing—broad, sculpted and covered with a soft mat of dark hair. “Will you join me?” He reached for the button fly of his jeans.
    Fianna nodded and stepped away, amazed that her legs would hold her. When she tucked her thumbs into the waistband of her jeans, though, he shook his head. “No. If we’re both naked, there’s no way I’ll be able to keep myself from taking you.”
    She willed away the pang of hurt that zipped through her, even though she knew he was right. As much as she wanted to have children someday, it would be irresponsible to leap into parenthood based on nothing more than desire. She tried to convince herself that his determination to be cautious wasn’t a rejection of her.
    He reached over and refastened the snap and zipper. “Later, Fee. I promise.”
    With a nod,

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