Moves Like Jagger (Wolf Mates Book 4)

Moves Like Jagger (Wolf Mates Book 4) by Dakota Cassidy Read Free Book Online Page B

Book: Moves Like Jagger (Wolf Mates Book 4) by Dakota Cassidy Read Free Book Online
Authors: Dakota Cassidy
amazingly pink lips. Her wide eyes alive and bright as she set out the necessities for stitching up Levi. The way she melted against him when she’d fallen on top of him, keeping him harder for longer than he’d like to admit.
    It was how kind she was with Mrs. Andersen, how calm she remained in the face of the poor woman’s tears.
    It was a multitude of things. Things he was dead set on exploring further, as soon as he figured out what his mother, Norma wanted.
    She’d been the call he had to take last night, and short of being in the middle of surgery, he always tried to take her calls. Especially when his parents were off in some part of the world he was unaware of.
    But their connection had been crappy and he’d instead sent her a text, telling her he’d touch base with her later today after he saw patients.
    Speaking of, he reached down and ran his knuckles over Scar’s broad head. He’d rescued Scar from a backyard-breeding sting with a group in New York, and had taken one look at his scrawny, malnourished, mange-riddled body and fallen in love.
    Those soulful brown eyes, and the way his crooked bottom row of teeth jutted out from his mouth as he’d buried his shaking, painfully thin body against Jagger’s as though he’d finally realized he was safe for the first time since his birth being the clincher. They’d been partners for four years now.
    “You comin’ with today, buddy? I think it might be wise of you to make friends with my new friend Viv. I’m hoping she’ll be around for a little while.”
    Scar yawned and stretched before flopping down on the hardwood floor, his jowls puffing outward.
    “I’ll take that as an endorsement in her favor,” he said on a chuckle, gathering his jacket and Scar’s new Christmas hat with the elf ears.
    Scar followed him toward the door, faithful as always, his grunts deep as he used his squat legs to keep up.
    Jagger kneeled in front of him and pulled the red and green hat over his wide head, running his knuckles under the dog’s jaw. “C’mon, buddy. Let’s go impress a girl.”
    * * * *
    Viv climbed into the van with a shiver and a smile when she saw Scar was riding shotgun. “Morning, Scar!” She leaned in and scratched his ears, dropping a kiss on his broad head. “I love your hat, pal. Very festive.”
    He licked her face in return, making her laugh. “You mind if I sit, buddy? I feel like I’m always stealing your bunk.”
    Jagger pointed to the floor of the van between the two seats. “Scar, down.”
    He slunk off the wide seat with a longwinded moan, sliding to the floor to position himself in the dog bed Jagger had for him.
    Jagger smiled at her as he began to back out of the driveway. His handsome face freshly shaven, his skin ruddy in the bright morning light. He wore a thick pullover sweater in dark green with a pair of black jeans and a hat that matched Scar’s in color.
    “How are you this morning?”
    “Eagerly awaiting the chance to earn my collection of Skipper heads. How are you?”
    “Thinking about how lonely it’ll be without all those little Skipper eyes watching my every move,” he joked, handing her a Thermos. “Coffee. I think JC said you take it with cream and sugar. Heavy on the cream, right?”
    Viv’s heart fluttered in her chest. He was thoughtful, too. “Yes. Your attention to detail is very appealing. Thanks, Boss.”
    He winked a fringed eye. “You bet. So did you sleep well? We got in pretty late.”
    Sleep. Yeah. Right. She’d tossed and turned all night long as she’d visualized Jagger naked in a million different scenarios while the cats piled on top of her, taking up most of the bed.
    But she decided some things were better left unsaid. “I slept great. You?”
    “Like a baby. Now, about Hector. I asked Max to meet us at his house. I feel pretty uneasy about Levi’s bite and little Mookie’s paw. I want to discuss this with him and get his input.”
    “Any other suspicions aside from were?” she

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