Tracing Hearts

Tracing Hearts by Kate Squires Read Free Book Online

Book: Tracing Hearts by Kate Squires Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kate Squires
I’m both anxious and excited. I can’t wait to see what she looks like, but I’m also afraid of what she thinks of my picture. Why did I send that one? Surely, I could’ve found a better one. I sag into my mattress with regret. After a few minutes, I peek up at the clock. It’s time. With shaking fingers, I lift the flap of the envelope and remove its contents. Nervously, I turn the photo around to see a bright-eyed, blonde girl with soft curls draped over her shoulders. Her eyes are large and round, but just right for the size of her face. Her nose is a cute, round button. Her smile, which lights up her eyes, shows a row of perfectly straight teeth. There’s one missing on the side, but it doesn’t detract from her beauty. And, she is just that, beautiful. I let out a sigh of relief. She’s better than I imagined her to be. I stare at her picture, unable to stop. Idly I think, if Peter were here, he’d never let me live this moment down. Thank God he’s not.
    I carry her over to my desk and sit, ready to compose a letter. As I write, I look up at her image. I’ve propped her up against the hutch, so I can glance at her as much as I want to. I can’t seem to focus on my letter though, and I suspect is has something to do with the photo, so I lay it face down and continue.
    Suddenly, Chris bursts though the door, sword in hand.
    “Ha ha! I’ve found you! Now you’re going to walk the plank!” he declares.
    I look over my shoulder at him.
    “Not now, jerkface. I’m busy,” I say, watching his face fall.
    “Aww, come on, Sebastian. I’m bored.”
    “Get out, Chris. I said I’m busy.”
    I point to the exit and, reluctantly, he leaves, shutting the door hard behind him.
    I finish up my letter to Julia, lick the gross tasting glue strip, and seal it. I’ll drop in the mail tomorrow.
    April 6 th 1:00pm Eastern Standard Time
    Oh, my gosh! He’s so cute! My mouth drops open as I gasp, and I cover it with my hand. He’s just like I pictured him. Brown hair that kind of hangs over his forehead a bit, nice smile, and dimples. He’s got the cutest dimples I’ve ever seen. I hug his picture to my chest, close my eyes, and sigh. Now, I have a face to go with his letters. I give his picture one last squeeze and turn it over. He’s written something on the back.
    Always on your side
    I swoon at his words, remembering the letter I wrote about Kelsey and the dodgeball incident. He’s so sweet. I dry my lips, so I don’t get the picture wet, and kiss it very gently. “Thank you, Sebastian. And I’m on your side too,” I say to the image, then I leap up from my seat and dance around the room with him. I stop at my bedroom window and after breathing hot air onto it, I draw a tiny heart in the fog. I’m giddy. For the rest of the day, I bounce and skip around the house. My mom inquires as to what I’m so happy about, so I show her the picture. She agrees that Sebastian is a “nice looking boy,” as she puts it. After a while, I decide I’d better write to him, so I compose a letter.
    As the years pass by…
    Dear Sebastian,
    School’s out for the summer! I can’t wait to lie in the warm sun and swim for the next three months…
    Dear Julia,
    We only get a month off, then it’s back to school. Wish I could be in the states with you…
    Dear Sebastian,
    High school is scary. I’ve met lots of new friends, though you’re still my favorite…
    Dear Julia,
    Email is awesome! We can communicate instantly. How was your day today?
    Dear Sebastian,
    I made the dance team! Thank you for telling me I could do it…
    Dear Julia,
    I’m trying out for the soccer team. Wish me luck…
    Dear Sebastian,
    I passed! I got my driver’s license!
    Dear Julia,
    Beer. Ugh. I’m not sure about it…
    Dear Sebastian,
    Nice pic! Have you been working out?? (I’m whistling a cat call.)
    Dear Julia,
    I got in a fight at school today while

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