Mr. Darcy's Obsession

Mr. Darcy's Obsession by Abigail Reynolds Read Free Book Online

Book: Mr. Darcy's Obsession by Abigail Reynolds Read Free Book Online
Authors: Abigail Reynolds
Tags: Romance, Adult
certain pleasure in needling his uncle.
    Henry sat up straight. "Never."
    The earl waved his hand, as if it were no matter. "I have plans already for Henry. Lady Mary Howard is suited to be Countess of Matlock. Anne is not."
    That was not a name Darcy had expected to hear. Beside him, Richard stiffened almost imperceptibly. Darcy hoped the others had not noticed. He wished he could give Richard another drink. Instead, he tried the next best thing, to distract his uncle. "So Anne is not good enough for Henry, but she is good enough for me. Thank you for sharing that valuation with me."
    "Oh, pish-tosh, Darcy. As her husband, you can keep her locked away at Pemberley. You need not even see her. Henry's position would not allow that. If you do not marry Anne, after Catherine dies she will be the target of every adventurer and rogue. Even a footman could take advantage of her and then claim the necessity of marriage. No, she must marry first, but who could we trust outside the family? Once she is married, her husband has complete control of her fortune."
    Richard put his hands out in front of his chest. "Do not even suggest it. Lady Catherine would never accept me as her son-in-law. She has always wanted Pemberley."
    "She will not gain Pemberley through me. Perhaps we should consider other plans." Darcy had given the matter years of thought. "We need someone whose best interest lies in caring well for Anne. Perhaps a younger son of a country squire, one who is respectable and knows how to manage an estate and has no interest beyond land of his own. You could make it clear that if he mistreats her in any way, the combined might of the Fitzwilliam and Darcy families will be turned against him." If Elizabeth only had a brother, he could marry Anne, and it would solve all his problems. Of course, if she had a brother, Longbourn would not have been entailed away in the first place.
    Henry nodded. "Better yet, make certain there is some flaw in the wedding ceremony, so we have the threat of annulling the marriage if needed."
    The earl tapped the ash from his cigar. "Excellent idea, Henry. But we must approach this delicately, and I must find such a man."
    Henry snorted. "And hire some pretty maids here before he visits, so he can have some consolation for his marriage bed. There isn't a girl worth bedding in this entire house. Why can Aunt Catherine not hire maids who are not a punishment to look at?"
    "She does not want the competition," Richard said. "It makes Anne look better."
    "Still, it is dull for us. Thank God Georgiana is here. Her figure--now that is worth contemplating."
    "Henry!" Darcy snapped.
    "Oh, do not worry, Darcy, I will not touch your precious sister. Though I would not mind marrying her myself, if Father did not have other plans for me. Those hips hold promise."
    Darcy gritted his teeth. Hell would freeze over before he agreed to a marriage between Henry and Georgiana. "Henry, you are drunk. Save it for your London friends."
    The earl raised his glass. "Your health." He took a good swig and then pushed the remaining glass in Darcy's direction. "Darcy, I insist you have some. You need something to raise your spirits. I have never seen such a gloomy countenance."
    "I am perfectly well." Darcy was not up to one of his uncle's inquisitions, so he took a tiny sip of the port.
    "You should take Henry's point of view, Darcy. You need a girl. That would make you lively again. I saw a girl in the village yesterday well worth bedding." He ran his hands in front of him, demonstrating the attributes that appealed to him. "And she would be willing, for the right price, I would bet on it."
    "Darcy has no need of assistance in finding willing women, Father," Richard said. "They are constantly throwing themselves at him."
    Darcy understood Richard's warning glance, but the frustration of dealing with his uncle and his aunts took the edge off his habitual caution. "I find this topic distasteful, Uncle."
    The earl barked out a laugh.

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