Mulberry Park

Mulberry Park by JUDY DUARTE Read Free Book Online

Book: Mulberry Park by JUDY DUARTE Read Free Book Online
that boasted black marble, polished wood panels, and leather furniture—a validation of the firm’s success and prestige.
    She took a seat that allowed her to peer out one of several floor-to-ceiling windows that offered a view of Mulberry Park and the city beyond. The office didn’t seem too familiar, but she’d only been here once to sign papers. It had been Ron who’d usually met with Mr. Dawson.
    Of course, back then, Claire had been a zombie, barely able to put one foot in front of the other.
    After checking in with the receptionist, she took a seat on a black leather sofa in the waiting room, crossed her legs, and reached for a Psychology Today . She thumbed through the pages, but couldn’t find a single article to pique her interest, so she returned the magazine to the table where she’d found it.
    An appointment with Samuel Dawson had been a good choice, she decided. Now there was no need to rehash the painful details with a new attorney who would have to be brought up to speed on the case.
    She glanced at her wristwatch: 11:28. Surely someone would call her soon. She was anxious to get some solid legal advice, yet for some reason, she felt a bit uneasy and self-conscious.
    Maybe it was just her reason for being here that made her hands clammy, her nerves taut and on edge.
    She brushed her damp palms across the top of her lap, then opened her purse and withdrew the letter from the parole board.
    Before she could read it again, a baritone voice called her name. “Mrs. Harper?”
    “Yes.” She glanced up to see Sam Dawson, a handsome man in his thirties, wearing a black suit. Expensive, she suspected.
    He was tall, well over six feet, with broad shoulders and a square chin. His light-brown hair appeared to be sun-streaked, as though he spent more time outdoors than in the office, yet she doubted that was the case. Attorneys who’d just made partner probably didn’t have much free time on their hands.
    She stood, and he clasped her hand in greeting, a grip that warmed the chill from her fingers.
    His confident touch was a balm to her frayed nerves. “It’s good to see you again, Claire.”
    “Thank you.”
    “Let’s go to my office.”
    She followed him down the hall until they came to an open door, where he paused and stepped aside, allowing her to enter first. As she passed by, she caught a whiff of his cologne, something ocean-fresh and musky.
    It had been ages since she’d noticed scents. Not just a man’s; a lot of things no longer smelled the same. The morning coffee for one. And even the rosebushes that lined Mrs. Wilcox’s picket fence on Applewood Drive.
    “Please have a seat,” Sam said.
    She chose one of the black, tufted-leather chairs that sat before his mahogany desk.
    Had this been his office before?
    She couldn’t recall.
    “What can I do for you?” His gaze locked on hers for the briefest of moments, and the intensity in his eyes—a vivid green in color—made it difficult to speak.
    She handed him the notification she still clutched, holding onto the envelope. “Russell Meredith is up for parole on the twenty-fourth of July.”
    “Actually, I’d heard that.” He took the letter and read the contents.
    “And I want to make sure he serves every day of his sentence,” she added, thinking it only fair. After all, Meredith had gotten off easy. It was Claire who had received the harshest punishment, one that would last a lifetime.
    Sam lifted his eyes to hers and nodded. “I can understand why.”
    She might be wrong, but he seemed to recognize her pain. She’d felt it in his handshake, seen it in his eyes, heard it in his voice.
    “The letter says I don’t need an attorney, but I think that’s the best way for me to go. Don’t you?”
    “Yes, of course. I can either represent you or advise you so that you can go before the board on your own. Either way, I’ll do whatever I can for you and your husband.”
    Her chest tightened and her stomach clenched, reminding her that

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