Murder by the Sea

Murder by the Sea by Lesley Cookman Read Free Book Online

Book: Murder by the Sea by Lesley Cookman Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lesley Cookman
wide eyes. ‘I think Ian wants Fran to investigate with the television people.’
    ‘But I thought she’d already said no.’
    ‘She had. But Ian can be persuasive. And Fran’s got a conscience.’
    Ben sighed. ‘And you haven’t.’
    ‘I just like helping people,’ said Libby, ‘and by the way, I’ve invited that reporter to come over and see what she thinks of the theatre.’
    ‘Which reporter?’
    ‘The one who tried to interview me this morning. She’s lonely.’
    ‘Does she act?’
    ‘She doesn’t seem to do anything,’ said Libby, and told him Jane’s story. ‘So I thought it might be a kindness to see if she’d like to get involved.’
    ‘We haven’t got many youngsters here, either,’ said Ben.
    ‘But there are always more around for panto. She might want to do chorus, or something.’
    Ben looked doubtful. ‘We’ll see. When’s she coming over?’
    ‘I don’t know. When we have the audition, I suppose. I thought I might pop in and see her house some time in the next couple of weeks, just to keep in touch.’
    ‘You’re sure you haven’t got an ulterior motive?’
    ‘No, of course not. Why would I have?’ Libby was looking indignant again. ‘She’s just a nice kid, and rather lonely.’
    Libby repeated this to Fran and Guy over quesadillas de hongos in The Pink Geranium later that evening.
    ‘That’s kind of you,’ said Guy. Fran turned down the corners of her mouth. Like Ben, she was suspicious.
    ‘Oh, for goodness sake,’ said Libby. ‘Can’t I do anything from a purely normal standpoint? Does everyone always think I’m up to no good?’
    ‘A newspaper reporter does have access to a lot of things you might find useful,’ said Ben.
    ‘If you were investigating something you weren’t supposed to,’ added Fran.
    Libby made a sound suspiciously like a snort. ‘Honestly,’ she said.
    ‘Speaking of which, Fran,’ said Ben, ‘have you decided to do what Ian asked?’
    ‘Eh?’ Guy looked startled. ‘Ian? Connell? What’s he been asking?’
    ‘Don’t worry, Guy, it’s nothing carnal,’ grinned Libby.
    ‘Libby!’ Fran frowned at her. ‘It’s complicated,’ she said to Guy, and explained.
    ‘Why don’t you do it?’ he asked. ‘You could ask the Kent and Coast people not to actually put you on the box, but just to use your information.’
    ‘Would you have to say it was the police’s idea?’ asked Ben.
    ‘Oh, I don’t think so, or they might get the idea they had a privileged position.’ Fran poked meditatively at a piece of mushroom. ‘I’ll phone that Campbell McLean person and sound him out, then I’ll talk to Ian about how he wants me to play it.’
    ‘So you’re going to do it, then?’ Libby looked excited.
    Fran sighed.
    ‘Told you she had a conscience,’ Libby said Ben, triumphantly.
    Chapter Six
    LIBBY HAD TO WAIT until Monday to find out where Jane lived. She called her at the Mercury offices, ostensibly to invite her to the audition for the pantomime. Predictably, Jane protested.
    ‘You don’t have to audition, Jane,’ said Libby. ‘I just thought you could come along and meet people. If you’re with me you won’t be on your own.’
    ‘No …’ Jane was hesitant.
    ‘Tell you what,’ said Libby briskly, ‘I’ll pop a copy of the script over to you and you can have a read and see what we do. Mind you, panto reads very badly, so don’t give us up just on the strength of the script.’
    ‘OK. Would you like me to pick it up?’ ‘No, I said, I’ll pop it over to you. Give me a chance to see your auntie’s house.’
    ‘Oh!’ Jane sounded surprised. ‘All right. I’m off this afternoon, actually, so would you like to come then?’
    ‘That fits in nicely,’ said Libby. ‘I have to see Fran – Mrs Castle – today –’ whether she likes it or not, she added silently ‘– so that’s perfect. See you about three? What’s the address?’
    Libby then rang Fran to tell her that she would be visited.
    ‘I’ll be in

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