My Bad Boy's Secret: A Bad Boy Billionaire Romance

My Bad Boy's Secret: A Bad Boy Billionaire Romance by Nicole Price Read Free Book Online Page B

Book: My Bad Boy's Secret: A Bad Boy Billionaire Romance by Nicole Price Read Free Book Online
Authors: Nicole Price
it sitting next to me, ready to engage and help. I felt my body get warmers he sat next to me, his mere presence did that to me.
    “Well, you know I have a really big house. I have three bedrooms that are not being used. I leave on location for a project tomorrow for two weeks, so you're welcome to stay at my house. I won't even be there, and when I am the house is so big we won't even see each other,” he said as he grabbed my coffee off my table and took a drink from it. “Mmm... Delicious,” he said with a moan in his voice. I instantly became aroused. I let his words sink in and looked at him with a look that said, “Are you sure about this?” I knew that he knew what I meant because he answered me right away.
    “I told you I took the keys from her. No drama, I promise. But it’s up to you, I'm just trying to help a friend out. After all, your screenplay could get me back on track with my career. So I want to do something for you,” he said in a sincere way.
    I sat there thinking about everything that could possibly happen with us living under the same roof. It was true that the house was big enough to where I could have my own wing, but I knew being that close to him would be tempting.
    “I'm sure I can find a place, but thank you anyway,” I said trying not to sound nervous. He stood up from his chair in a casual way, in that boyish charm that he had.
    “Suit yourself, the offer still stands,” he said as he grabbed his helmet and walked away.
    That night I could not sleep at all. It was a sleepless night of tossing and turning. There was so much on my mind. I had not found a place, and it was looking more and more like I would have to get a very expensive rental that was normally used for people on vacation. This meant $1000 a week… And although I had received payment for my screenplay, I was still on a budget until the movie was actually made and released or I received payment for a new project, so I had to be careful with my budget. Then, there was seeing Jackson again. There was the offer that he made me, it replayed in my head over and over. Then I sat straight up in bed, “what the fuck are you thinking Rosalyn?” I said out loud. “Fuck it!”
    This is a dream come true… And you are going to pass it up because of a little drama? What is life without drama, things will never be perfect. What if this is the way things are supposed to happen? The universe is bringing you everything you ever asked for and you're turning it down because it's not happening in the exact way you expected? That is absurd. It is a big risk to move into his house, but it is also exciting, adventurous, and now it was my dream.
    Sure, he wasn't asking me to move in as his romantic partner, or wife… but so what. Why did I have to overanalyze everything? Why couldn't I just do things that I wanted? It was completely normal for friends to stay at friends’ houses, especially when they were out of town shooting a movie, this was totally normal. There, I have talked myself into it. I looked at the clock it was 3 o'clock in the morning, I shouldn't text him. However, I knew if I slept on it I would talk myself out of it. I grabbed my phone, went to the bar in the kitchen and poured myself a shot of tequila, slammed it down with a lime chaser and then typed out on my phone, “I will take you up on your offer. Thank you… When can I move in?” I took a very deep breath and then read it over and over a few times, finally hitting send and then I went back to bed, getting cozy under the covers. There, it was done. I could not take it back. This was happening. It was all happening. It would be torture to wait until the next day to receive his reply, so I closed my eyes and tried to let the tequila take affect and put me into a deep sleep. Beep!
    The light from my phone lit up the dark bedroom. I inhaled deeply. Was it him? I grabbed it, I received a text message from Jackson Lane that said,

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