My Bad Boy's Secret: A Bad Boy Billionaire Romance

My Bad Boy's Secret: A Bad Boy Billionaire Romance by Nicole Price Read Free Book Online

Book: My Bad Boy's Secret: A Bad Boy Billionaire Romance by Nicole Price Read Free Book Online
Authors: Nicole Price
through the Hollywood Hills, knowing that she lived close to me. I yelled over my shoulder at her, “which way to your place?”
    “It's up on Doheney right on the corner,” she yelled over the growl of the motorcycle.
    I rolled up to her street taking my time. I rather enjoyed having her arms wrapped around me and her body pressed against my back. She smelled like lavender and roses and flashes of her naked bottom half in front of me as I licked her came into my mind. I felt myself getting hard. She had that effect on me. A few minutes later she pointed out the way to an apartment complex and I pulled my bike up in front of it. “Can I come up?” I asked her.
    “Yes, but only for a few minutes,” she said as she nervously fidgeted. I thought it was adorable.
    We walked quietly into her apartment which was sparsely decorated. I went straight into what I wanted to say, there was no time or need to ease into it. “Look, Rosalyn… The other night was not what I expected to happen. I don't want you to think that that was the norm for me, she comes around in my life once or twice a year, and it's never a good thing. I just don't want it to seem like I planned it that way, I'm not that much of a jerk.”
    “I know that, it’s fairly obvious that it was just as much a surprise to you as it was to me. It was an embarrassing situation, but maybe it was for the best. We should not have been doing that. We should keep this strictly professional. I have a lot riding on this project and I don't want anything to mess that up. I hope you understand that.” She said that as she moved away from me, putting distance between us. My heart sank when she said those words, I still wanted to explore this, whatever it was. I wanted to find out where it would lead us. If it led nowhere then we would be no better off than we are now. But I have to respect her wishes. It was important. “Okay, I understand if that is what you want. I have to apologize again, and I am going to keep things professional. I understand if that is what you want. I have to apologize again, and I am going to keep things professional. I look forward to working with you on this project.”
    She nodded her head and smiled politely and then played with some papers on her table. It was awkward. So I made small talk before I prepared to leave.
    “I like this apartment. It's minimal,” I said looking around.
    “It is not mine it's a sublet. I have to leave it in a month when the owner comes back. Now that our project is moving forward, I'll have to find some other place to rent. So if you know of anything let me know. I would like to stay in the area, close to the studio,” she said
    “Yeah, it's a good area. I’ll keep a lookout and let you know. I guess I'll be going now.”
    “Ok Jackson, thank you for the talk and clearing the air. I know this project is going to be epic. This is all for the best,” she said as she walked me to the door.
    I gave her one last glance, and a smile. I guess this really was all for the best, but a part of me knew this wasn't over. I could feel it. I would just have to have patience and wait. I left her apartment and did what I always did when I needed to think about things. I hopped on my motorcycle and went west, heading to the Pacific Coast Highway. I drove recklessly down Sunset Boulevard as it curved and snaked along the beach. It was a hell of a lot of fun. I knew that I looked bad ass on my motorcycle, but that's not why I did it. I did it for the freedom… It felt like I was floating. It was an adrenaline rush, and I was addicted to it. I had always rode a motorcycle since I was a teenager and I had never stopped. I drove until sunset along the Pacific Coast Highway and turned right, heading towards Malibu. The vast ocean laid out in front of me was beautiful and calming. It was just what I needed in order to get over the sudden strange feelings that had come into my life. I was in

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