My Lord Murderer

My Lord Murderer by Elizabeth Mansfield Read Free Book Online

Book: My Lord Murderer by Elizabeth Mansfield Read Free Book Online
Authors: Elizabeth Mansfield
on the night of his sister’s ball, but now the sight of her caused him to miss a breath. Her pale skin, the glowing hair falling loosely over her shoulders, the curve of her breasts under her soft peignoir and, most of all, her dark eyes which were at first wide with shock and were now fiery with mounting fury—all combined to stun him.
    The sound of hasty footsteps on the stairs outside the door brought him quickly to his senses. He turned to the grey-haired lady who sat calmly regarding him with an almost imperceptible smile. “Lady Hazel Rowle, is it not? Your servant, ma’am,” he said to her, an answering smile hovering at the corners of his mouth. Then, turning to Gwen, he made an exaggeratedly formal bow. “Ah, Lady Rowle! I’m delighted to find you home at last. ”
    “How dare you burst in on us like this!” Gwen hissed.
    “Burst in on you?” Drew responded innocently. “I was sure you’d be expecting me!”
    “And so we were, my dear boy,” said Lady Hazel, rising and offering him her hand.
    Drew raised her hand to his lips and then met her eye. “Rowle was as fortunate in his mother as in his wife,” he said.
    “Thank you, my lord. But, will you excuse me, please? There seems to be a commotion in the hall that I must see to.”
    “Yes, please do,” Gwen said between clenched teeth. “And ask them to come in here and remove this … gentleman.”
    “Yes, my dear, I’ll see to it, I assure you,” Lady Hazel said quickly, as Drew stood aside to let her pass. “I shall certainly see to it … in due course.” And she left the room hastily, closing the door behind her.
    Gwen rose from her chair in open-mouthed dismay. “In due course?” she cried. “I want him removed at once !” There was no response. The sounds in the hallway retreated, and it became quite clear to her that assistance from her mother-in-law would not be immediately forthcoming.
    She stamped her foot in chagrin. Determined to take matters into her own hands, she crossed the room in angry strides, intending to open the door and call the servants herself. She found her way blocked by Drew, who had resumed his position with his back against the door. For a silent moment her eyes burned furiously into his. Smiling, he looked back at her, his eyes both imperturbable and appreciative. This only infuriated her more.
    “Stand aside, sir,” she ordered coldly, “unless it is your intention to keep me prisoner here.”
    “How can you be so foolish?” he responded, his voice warm and affectionate.
    “Then of course you will let me by.”
    “Of course,” he assured her. “I’m yours to command—as soon as we’ve finished our conversation.”
    “I don’t intend to have any conversation with you. We have nothing whatever to say to each other.”
    “I don’t like to disagree with you so early in our … relationship … but I have a great many things to say to you. ”
    “Whatever they are, I don’t wish to hear them. I must ask you again either to leave this room or to permit me to do so.”
    “I think this is what is known as an impasse,” Drew remarked conversationally. “You refuse to speak to me, and I refuse to leave until you do.”
    “You speak as though we’re evenly matched,” Gwen said, lifting her chin defiantly. “Don’t overestimate the strength of your position, sir. Although you seem to have enlisted—heaven knows why!—the support of my mother-in-law, you should realize that I have but to scream to rouse an army of servants who will rush to my assistance.”
    “Scream, by all means,” Lord Jamison said encouragingly. “However, I’d be much obliged if you could postpone doing so for a moment or two. In that time, I could have my say and depart content.”
    “I’ve no desire to aid you in achieving contentment,” Gwen snapped.
    “So it seems,” Drew said wryly. “But even in wars, the opposing armies take time to parlay. If you give me my few minutes, I’ll depart quite willingly,

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