My Masters' Nightmare Season 1, Ep. 6 Consequences
mother tongue, ones I
assumed were curses. After several seconds, he finally stopped.
“How bad is Jagger hurt?”
    “ He will survive what Alberto
did to him physically, but whether he will be able to handle the
mental side of things is another matter. I believe he will, but
that’s just my opinion. By the way, you will never get your hands
on him, so don’t ask again.”
    “ I won’t bother you about Jagger
anymore, but I would like to know about my own men. Why hasn’t
Sasha called me?”
    “ Because I only just got him back after
the Donatelli kidnapped him.”
    “ What?!”
    “ They also killed your other
    The Black Russian’s voice lowered; his
tone now chilling. “If you tell me that Yuri is dead I will not
forgive you,” he said, talking about Sasha’s younger
    “ The Donatelli shot him in the
back of the head like the other guards.”
    The Black Russian started breathing
heavy, his fury coming across the line loud and clear. “You do know
what this means?” he said.
    I’d been informed prior to getting
the guards that I was responsible for his men’s safety, and if I
failed, I would be killed.
    “ I am sorry for your loss,” I
said, “but you cannot place the blame on me. My household was
overrun and I was enslaved, your guards failing in their job.
Regardless, I have made the Donatelli pay for their
    “ I don’t care about the
semantics; my men are dead due to your failure. You need to be punished for
    “ I already am, by having to live
the rest of my life knowing I’m my brother’s killer. Killing me isn’t
punishment, it’s a reward. Regardless, if you think you can take me
out, let the games begin; I will be waiting for you, and be assured
I have an arsenal behind me. I am now the Don of the island, I have
the Landi as bodyguards, and I know you’re aware of their skills,
which means if you send anyone after me you will be killed.”
    “ You dare threaten
    “ It’s not a threat,
it’ s a
warning. If you keep away from my island, the Landi will not set
foot in Russia.”
    “ I have my own mercenaries
that can match the Landi.”
    “ Then s end them and see what happens, and by
the way, Sasha is now one of my own, he is of my household and you
will never see him again.”
    “ I will not kill
you, ” he
shouted, “I will crucify you!” The phone went dead.
    I hung up, immediately dialing Pedro
Landi. “The Black Russian’s coming, be prepared. Inform the Santini
as well as the other families. We are now at war. Send a team to
monitor his home, and put another one on his headquarters in
    “ Consider it done.”
    “ Buono , and protect yourself.”
    “ As always.”
    “ I’m fortunate I have you as a
    “ Likewise.”
    “ Grazie. Now, how is Thierry
    Pedro laughed. “You are such a
troublemaker, Frano. Now I understand why you said he would respect
my daughters. He’s not a Romeo, he’s a Juliet.”
    I laughed despite my bad mood.
    “ Very funny, Frano,” he said.
“But not as funny as watching my two youngest fighting over him. I
swear they will rip the poor boy’s arms out of his sockets if they
don’t stop pulling on him. Anyway, enough about my silly girls, how
are you doing? I hear someone tried to shoot you at the
    “ I’m doing fine.”
    “ Are you really?”
    “ No, but I only have
myself to blame for that.”
    “ Frano, my friend, you did what
you had to. That is the job of a Don. You do things that are for
the greater good, no matter how much pain it causes you. I’ve done
many things that have hurt me, even devastated me, yet I did them
because they were necessary. It will hurt forever, but you will
eventually learn how to cope with the pain. My only advice to you
is to keep your mind busy; immerse yourself in work to get through
the hardest months.
Tenere al sicuro
, Frano.”
    “ Grazie , and you keep safe too.” I hung up,
knowing he was right.

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