My Perfect Mate
at, and she felt tears roll down her cheek. She
blinked. Why would Jean-Paul leave a place like that to come here?
As if her question directed his thoughts, she suddenly saw
Marguerite and an older couple, and then she saw herself. Her heart
began to pound. The way he saw her was so lovely. Did she really
look like that?
    “Jean-Paul, please wake up, you’re
scaring me.” She shook him again. He lay there,
    Susan jumped from the bed. Grabbing
the sheet off the floor, she hurried to the door. “Help, someone.
Ujarak? Come help us.” She ran out the door and into a hairy chest,
arms came down around her and held her tight.
    “What is it, Suzy-Q? What’s
    “It’s JP. I think I broke him! He
won’t wake up.”
    “Okay, let’s see.” Ujarak walked into
the bedroom. “Uh, maybe you should cover him up or something.”
Susan hurried over and flung a blanket over Jean-Paul. “So, he
passed out?”
    “Well, yeah, I guess so. We cemented
the bond into place and our minds came pouring into each other. It
was wonderful. Then he collapsed. Do you think I hurt him? Should
we call Mathis or Jared?”
    “Let’s talk to Mom and Dad. She’s a
lycan, she might have an idea what happened. JP’s breathing okay,
so we’ll let him rest for now. Come on.” Ujarak took Susan’s hand
and led her down the hall to his parents’ room.
    He knocked gently on the door and soon
rustling heralded his father opening the door.
    “What’s the matter, son?”
    “Uhm, Susan is worried. JP is
unconscious after cementing the mating bond into place. I thought
you and Mom might be able to help.” Ujarak shrugged his
    His father glanced back over his
shoulder and then opened the door. Nicole stood in a bathrobe by
the bed. “Come in. You’re going to wake the whole
    “Sorry, Dad,” Ujarak
    “Please,” Susan said her voice
wavering. “Did I hurt my mate?” She looked at Nicole, who smiled
and walked over to give her a hug.
    “Not at all. If I had to guess, I
would say JP isn’t used to sharing space in his head. He’s probably
feeling a little overwhelmed from the joining. Taliriktug found it
a little unsettling at first.”
    “I didn’t faint,” the large man said
with a grunt and chuckle.
    “Try closing down the link and see if
he comes to. You might have to open the bond in small increments so
JP can adjust.” Nicole patted Susan’s shoulder. “It will be all
right. Give him time.”
    Susan nodded numbly. She looked at the
mating bond as it pulsed a beautiful golden color and slowly
thought about closing it down.
    “Don’t close it all the way, leave it
at the circumference of a pencil,” Nicole suggested as Susan slowly
diminished the link. “Good. Now, see if he wakes. You two should
probably talk about it.”
    “Thanks, Mom. I knew you could help.
Come on, Suzy-Q. You need to get some sleep. We leave in a few
    Susan nodded and followed Ujarak to
her door. He paused in front of her. A tear rolled down her cheek.
He sighed and picked her up. Instead of taking her into her room,
he went to the couch and sat with her on his lap. She couldn’t hold
back the sobs breaking free and buried her face in his chest.
Ujarak petted her hair and made soothing noises, his arms holding
her tightly.
    “It’s going to be okay, Suzy-Q. The
lycan mating bond is never wrong. JP will be fine. You’ll be able
to relax and open the bond between you. You’ll see. The witch isn’t
used to being linked, is all. I’m sure that going from nothing to
having a new person in your brain would be difficult. You’re
already used to sharing your thoughts and feelings with the other
    “JP isn’t a witch. He’s an alien. I
saw a place in his mind that’s got to be another planet.” She got
out between sobs.
    “An alien, huh? Well, that explains
the pointed ears. I didn’t want to say anything since he’s your
mate. He’s kind of pretty too, for a guy, I mean.”

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