My Perfect Mate
Ujarak rubbed
her back.
    “Do you think he’ll try to abduct me
like in the movies?” Susan hiccupped and sniffled.
    “No. Mathis has known him for years.
He vouched for him, remember? If my brother says he’s okay, then I
trust him.”
    “Yeah, you’re right. Why do these
things always happen to me?” Susan buried her face again as another
round of sobs tore from her throat.
    “I’ve got you, Suzy-Q. It’s going to
be okay.”

Chapter Four
    Jean-Paul slowly opened his eyes. What
the hell was he doing on the floor? His head felt like it wanted to
explode. He moaned and closed his eyes again. He felt a trickle of
awareness. It was Susan. She was asleep, and felt safe and warm.
Then he remembered. Her thoughts poured into his mind, her desire
feeding his, her excitement doubling his. It became impossible to
know whose thought was whose. His brain started to race. He
couldn’t think. Then he was flying. Ecstasy washed over him. It was
too much. JP’s heart thudded in his chest. Was Susan all
    Where was she? He opened his eyes
again and leaned up. A thin golden cord of light ran from his chest
and through the door. He tried to touch the link, but his hand
passed through it. Wasn’t it supposed to be bigger than a pencil?
Mathis called it a rope.
    Sitting up, he groaned and rested his
head in his hands. What he wouldn’t give for a healing potion about
now. Marguerite might have one in her workroom. He reached with his
magic and gasped as pain punched his skull. He gritted his teeth
and pulled the little blue potion bottle through space to his hand.
It materialized in his palm and he took the cap off and put the
bottle to his lips.
    He could actually feel the potion
working as the pain drained away. He blinked and his eyesight
cleared. Great Goddess that felt good. He stood and reached for his
pants. Susan’s clothes still lay on the floor. Did she shift? That
would be dangerous in the polar bear village. He tugged on his
jeans and grabbed his shirt. He needed to find her.
    He hurried down the hall and into the
living room. He froze, not believing his eyes. Susan lay in
Ujarak’s arms, sound asleep. It didn’t matter that she was wrapped
in a sheet. He’d claimed her last night. Cemented the mating bond
into place, and here she was in another man’s arms?
    “Get your hands off my
    Ujarak opened his eyes and scowled at
him. “Feeling better, wuss? You made her cry, again. If you keep
doing that, I’m going to beat you to a bloody pulp.”
    “Did I hurt her? Is she
    “No, she’s not okay. You couldn’t
handle the mating bond connecting your minds. You passed out and
scared her to death. Then the only way to help you was for her to
close down the link. She’s hurt, confused, and disillusioned. Plus,
she thinks you’re an alien.”
    “An alien? I’m as human as you are,
bear man. I don’t like finding her in your arms.”
    “Then you shouldn’t drive her to me.
I’m her friend, someone she knows. She can depend on me, unlike you
it seems.”
    “I didn’t mean to pass out. All those
thoughts in my head. I guess it overloaded my system.”
    “I wouldn’t tell her that. You’ll hurt
her more than you have already,” Ujarak growled.
    “Hey, grumpy bear,” Susan said,
sleepily. “I can’t sleep with you growling.” She turned to look at
    He felt a flash of hurt coming through
the bond before it disappeared. The bear was right. He’d hurt her.
Ujarak placed her on her feet. Jean-Paul caught her around the
waist when she would have tripped over the sheet.
    “Whoops, sorry. I should probably get
dressed.” Susan refused to look at him and he noticed her lip
quiver. “We still have a ring to find.” Her voice quavered and she
closed her eyes a moment.
    Jean-Paul opened his mouth. Instead of
speaking, he swept Susan up into his arms and carried her to the
bedroom. He pushed the door closed with his foot. Ujarak was
already between them, he wasn’t going to

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