My Pirate Lover
said Curry, as he made a neat lunge attack and slid back into a ready stance.
    “What are you doing, old man? You know you’re on rescue duty!”
    “Thought you could use another swordsman, Cap’n!”
    Lance gritted his teeth. It was true that in his day, Curry had been a fine swordsman but arthritis and the passing of time had put his fighting days behind him. In fact, that little lesson with Josephine had probably been the first time Curry had picked up a sword in ten years! And that’s what this was really about: Josephine. The daft, old fool was trying to impress her!
    “Do the duty I set for you!” yelled Lance.
    ‘But, Cap’n, I only wanted to- aaargh !”
    At Curry’s wail of pain, Lance was distracted. It was only for a second but it was enough for a pirate to see his guard was lowered and go for the opening.

Out of the corner of his eye, Lance saw the blade coming for his throat and he knew he wouldn’t be able to parry it in time, but then, from out of nowhere, there was a blur of silver as a second blade shot through and deflected the first blade.
    Lance swallowed with the throat that had nearly been slit.
    “Thanks,” he said to the youth who had sprung up at his side.
    “My pleasure, Cap’n!”
    Lance ducked and grabbed Curry and dragged him between himself and the youth.
    “How you doing, Curry?” he said.
    “Fine, Cap’n!” said Curry. “ ‘Tis but a scratch!”
    Lance didn’t recognise the youth beside him. He was a slip of a thing with a moustache in need of trimming, clothes that were too big and a woollen cap pulled so far down his face, Lance didn’t know how he managed to see. Where did they come from? Orphans and runaways, the lot of them!
    “What’s your name, son?” said Lance.
    “Sailor Joe, Cap’n!” cried the youth.
    Sailor Joe had an interesting fighting style. Not only did he use the blade and knuckle guard but he also used his feet and elbows. It was his knees, however, that did the most damage and left many of his opponents moaning on the deck, holding their privates.
    Suddenly, a wall of sound fell upon the world, bringing the fighting to a standstill.
    It was music, but music unlike anything the pirates had ever heard before. A full orchestra and a soprano pushing her incredible vocal limits flooded Ripple Thief’s deck.
    Bewildered, the pirates looked at one another for answers. They looked at the sea and the sky as if they expected birds and mermaids might be responsible.
    And then he appeared.
    Captain Bloody’s men winched a boat up to the rails and Captain Bloody stomped onto the deck.
    Everything he wore was black, from his boots to his eye patch. His waistcoat was studded with a thousand glittering gems and his baldric was heavy with countless pistols.
    His beard was fuller than usual, as if it had been brushed and teased for the occasion and his one eye swam in its socket like a mad, black fish trapped in a cup of stagnant, yellow water.
    Ten pirates- five on either side- flanked him like body guards. They were big, stone-faced men, fancily dressed and heavily armed. With 21 st century weapons!
    The entourage stopped and one of the bodyguards put a CD player on the deck at his feet.
    “Behold ya new captain ye unworthy dogs!” yelled Captain Bloody. “Me!”
    The soprano hit a high C that threatened to shatter glass and pierce eardrums.
    Captain Bloody threw up his arms as if he was controlling the voice.
    All over the deck, pirates dropped their weapons and fell to their knees.
    “He is a god!” said one.
    “He makes the sirens sing!” whimpered another.
    “Stop it!” yelled Lance, pushing his way through. “Get on your feet, you lack-witted joltheads! There’s no magic here! It’s just one of his tricks!”
    “Kneel, Cap’n,” pleaded a pirate, tugging at Lance’s sleeve. “Afore he turns ye into a turtle or somethin’!”
    “Don’t be so fool-” Lance stopped. He was suddenly yelling on a quiet deck. The music became fainter and

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