My Pirate Lover
fainter and then there was a ‘click’ and the music was gone altogether.
    Captain Bloody looked rather silly now, standing there, hands thrust up into the air, conducting silence.
    He dropped his arms and his head rolled sideways. He saw Sailor Joe, squatted down beside the CD player, retrieving his hand too late not to be caught.
    “You’ll be a payin’ for that, boy!” Captain Bloody growled.
    “See?” said Lance, “It’s just a toy!”
    A murmur swept across the deck. The pirates didn’t look so awestruck anymore.
    The skin around Captain Bloody’s eye went sunburnt red and his beard bristled with the electricity of his anger.
    “This man isn’t a god you barnacle-brained louts,” said Lance. “Look at him! I’m sure deities aren’t that hairy!”
    There was laughter. Lance grinned. He was winning them back.
    “Did you know,” he went on, casually leaning against one of the bodyguards. “his ship’s bilges are rat free? Even rats have their standards!”
    There was more laughter, whoops, whistles and feet-stamping from the pirates. They did enjoy a good roast.
    Captain Bloody was speechless with rage. He was spluttering so fervently, he was frothing at the mouth. White flecks of spittle sat on his beard like greasy snowflakes.
    “I know he wears an eye patch,” said Lance, “but he’s so damned ugly, he should wear a face patch!” He paused for the laughter. “Now, gentlemen, I ask you, is this specimen of maggot-infested, flipper-footed, tavern-scum, really worth scuffing your knees for?”
    “You dare doubt me?” screamed Captain Bloody. Blood vessels were visibly bursting in his eyes, leaving squiggly red worms of blood. “I’ll show yers what kind of a god ya be dealin’ with!”
    He struck his right elbow with his left hand. The smell of petrol filled the air and flames shot from his outstretched right arm and engulfed a pirate, turning him into a screaming fireball.
    The pirate leapt overboard with a splash.
    “Throw him a rope!” yelled Lance.
    “I blast the next scurvy dog who dares move!” yelled Captain Bloody.
    The pirates looked from Captain Bloody to Captain Breakheart. There was silence and then one voice spoke up.
    “You may be a god, right enough,” he said, “but Cap’n Breakheart is still a better man than you.”
    A murmur went across the deck.
    “Aye!” cried a pirate.
    “Aye, Aye!” cried another and then they were all yelling it and chanting Lance’s name.
    There was a lot of shuffling and scraping as Lance’s men picked up their swords and got to their feet.
    Captain Bloody bellowed with rage and raised his hand to strike his elbow again. As he was looking around for his next target, he saw that Sailor Joe was pulling up the pirate who had fallen overboard.
    “You!” bellowed Captain Bloody and grabbed the youth by the throat.
    Lance leapt to his defence but was blocked by the bodyguards.
    “Put the kid down, Bloody,” said Lance. There was no mirth in his voice now. His jaw muscles were clenched and his eyes were blazing. “This is between you and me. Let’s finish it, man-to-man.”
    When Captain Bloody’s beard shifted, he appeared to be smiling. He dropped Joe, spluttering, onto the deck and turned to face Lance.
    “Man-to-man?” he growled. “God to mere mortal, more like!” He ripped his sword out of his scabbard and screamed at his men to stand aside.
    The two captains faced each other. There was nothing between them now but their blades.
    Lance was tall and well-built but Captain Bloody dwarfed him. Slowly they circled each other, swords hovering, eyes blazing.
    The pirates fell silent again. They barely dared to breath.
    Captain Bloody struck first. With a roar and a grunt, he lunged at Lance and brought his blade crashing down on Lance’s skull, slicing his head in half.
    At least, that’s what was supposed to happen, but, Lane wasn’t there anymore. He had neatly danced aside and now, while Captain Bloody was off balance, he made

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