My Rock #6
stop and sign a few autographs. I wonder
sometimes now how many of those young girls who loved me back then even
remembered me. When I got to the room, I packed up my stuff and then again with
security, I went down to the bus. My heart was pounding so hard still it felt
like it might jump out of my chest. I felt so fucking alive. I wasn’t ready to
go to bed, but I was so amped up that I didn’t trust myself to show up at the
bar where everyone else was partying. Inevitably, someone would buy a round or
two or three of drinks….then it was all downhill. I found myself almost wishing
that I wasn’t so pissed at Elly. Some hot sex would be just the thing to top
off the night. I wasn’t going to give in to her though. If I did, she’d think
that it was okay to get nosy about my business. I didn’t like that shit. If she
wanted to know something, she should have asked me. If I felt like it, I’d tell
her. If I didn’t tell her then it wasn’t her business in the first place.
    I realized something strange then. I just blew that
stage away; I was in Las Fucking Vegas baby! Sin City! And I was doing what
after the show? I was headed back to the bus because Elly and I weren’t
speaking. Shit, when I did this in my former life I had ten girls lined up
before the show was over and I just took my pick. It was so fucking surreal. Was
it because I was older, or was it just Elly? It wasn’t that I didn’t notice
other hot chicks occasionally or that I didn’t imagine fucking one of them, but
I just didn’t want to. Elly was the only one I wanted to be with and that was
just fucking weird for me. If she wasn’t going to apologize soon, I’d have to
either re-think that or take a lot of cold fucking showers.
    The security officer left me at the gate we had set
up around the buses. It was fucking cold there in Vegas, a lot colder than it
had been in L.A. I didn’t know the desert got so fucking cold. The bus was dead
quiet when I got on. The guys in the band went out for a drink after the show.
They were all amped up too. They invited me, but like I said, if I started
partying with them, who knows where it would end up. I opened the partition
where my bed was and dropped my stuff. Closing it behind me, I dropped down
onto the bed and closed my eyes. It was a comfortable bed. It was good to be
the “star.”
    I wasn’t there for five minutes before I heard
someone get on the bus. I was going to ignore whoever it was, thinking it was
one of the guys in the band coming to try and get me to go party with them. I still
had my eyes closed and I was surprised when I heard the partition being pulled
open. I opened them to see Elly standing there over me. Her cheeks were flushed
and she was breathing hard like she’d run here.
    I started to push myself up saying, “What the fuck,
Elly? I don’t want….” she cut me off with her lips. She literally pounced on
the bed after sliding the door shut behind her. She straddled me and covered my
lips with hers while I was still talking. I put my hands on her forearms and
pushed her back. Still holding onto her I said,
    “What the hell is this? I thought you were pissed at
me? I lied…remember?” I said the last sarcastically. I hope she caught that and
didn’t take it as some kind of confession. I didn’t fucking lie about anything.
    “Yeah, I remember,” she said, grabbing for my belt.
    “Wait! What the fuck are you doing here if you’re
still pissed at me? I thought we weren’t even speaking.”
    “I came here trying to talk to you about what
happened yesterday and you blew me off. You’ve ignored me since then. I was
never too pissed to talk to you. I was trying to talk to you. Only one of us
was refusing to talk about it and…that was you.”
    She tried to kiss me again. This was new to me, but
I turned my head. I was just blown away. Was she on fucking E or what? “Shit,
Elly!” I said, pushing her back again. “Will you stop for a second? What the
hell is wrong

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