My Rock #6
waste it before I
was finished with my song. When I was done, I was bathed in sweat and the
lights felt like they were setting my skin on fire. I had that black shit the
make-up girl put on my eye lashes in my eyes and face powder dripping down onto
my new t-shirt. Over half of the audience was on its feet and hot girls were
throwing panties and bras and fucking phone numbers up on stage.   It was incredible, better than any drug. I
loved feeling like I was more than just a has-been child star. I loved knowing
that in spite of how crappy my family was, these people loved me. I wondered if
Elly was watching.

    I watched Tristan’s performance with butterflies in
my stomach. No matter how pissed off I was at him, I couldn’t deny the fact
that he was incredibly hot and so talented I could hardly believe it sometimes.
If he holds it together and did what the managers and producers told him, he’d
not only be a star, he’d be a mega-star. His music would be classic someday, I
was sure of it. When he was in his element, he was the sexiest man alive. I
wanted him right then so badly that my panties were actually wet just watching
him. From the looks of the audience, and the undergarments strewn across the
stage, I wasn’t the only one. Tristan was eating it all up, but I thought
watching him play to his fans only made him that much hotter.
    “Hey, Elly,” I turned to see Mike, one of Jake’s
    “Hi, Mike.”
    “He’s doing an awesome job, huh?” he said, his eyes
following mine towards Tristan rocking out on the stage.
    “Yeah, he really is,” I agreed.
    “Jake would like to see you after the show is over.”
    “Oh really? Shouldn’t I help pack things up first?
Don’t we have to take off tonight?”
    “Yeah, we’re taking off tonight. Jake said to tell
you not to worry about the packing up. There are enough of us to pick up any
slack. He said it couldn’t wait.”
    “Oh, okay…sure.” Damn it! What does Jake want at
nine o’clock at night? What could it be that can’t wait? I might have been
paranoid, but in my defense, I’d already been fired once.
    I looked back out on the stage. Tristan was finished
with his song and was blowing kisses to the girls who were having coronaries. Some
of them held up signs with their number on it and some of them had signs that
said, ‘Marry me!’ I had to smile. He
knew how to work an audience. Unfortunately, he knew how to work me too.
        While he was wrapping it up on stage, I left
to go to Jake’s room. He answered the door dressed in a light gray suit with a
charcoal tie. The shirt underneath the suit jacket was one shade lighter than
the suit and the tie one shade darker. It had big, white, French cuffs and he
wore monogrammed silver cuff links. I wondered if he had his own stylist or if
he was just that good at dressing himself. He looked like he was ready for the
stage himself.
    “Hello, Elly! I’m so glad you made it, come in.” Was
it my imagination or did he drag his eyes over my body? Susie! Get out of my
    I stepped inside and he closed the door behind me.
“Mike said you needed to see me…”
    “Can I fix you a drink?”
    “Um…no, I’m okay.” I said. Mike also said it was
urgent. Right then he was offering me drinks. What the hell was going on?
    “Let’s have a seat,” he said. He directed me to the
little sofa and I sat down. I was surprised when instead of taking the chair
opposite me, he sat right next to me. It was a really small sofa, so it was a
tight fit. Our legs were touching and I had on a dress, so mine were bare. I
shifted mine over a little bit, but he didn’t seem to be trying to pull his
away. “How did the show go?” he asked me.
    I was sure he’d watched the whole thing. His
computer monitor was still up and frozen on a shot of the stage. Maybe this was
about me and Tristan again. “It was really good. They all did really well.”
    “Good, any technical issues?”

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