escaped my lips. Still, he held me close. “Yes, drink,” he murmured. “I have fed, so that you may take what you need from me tonight.”
I bit deeply into his jugular vein then pulled back so that his blood filled my mouth with hot, sweet spurts. His arms tightened about me as I sucked his rich, powerful blood—
the blood he had given so selflessly that I might live and that he now shared with me in my first moments as a vampire. Never had anything tasted as sweet, or as potent, and with it, a tumult of sensation—love, joy, longing, lust…and the comfort his arms provided. Gently, he lifted my head from the wound I had inflicted on him. Our bodies and our thoughts were as one, joined in a perfect harmony with one another.
“Enough for now,” he said quietly, kissing my lips. He passed his fingertips over the wound, and I watched it close instantly. I gazed into his eyes, into their deep green beauty, and my body was suffused with desire for him. Aware of my need, he crushed me to him, his hands caressing my bare skin, his lips taking mine in long, sweet kisses. We had made love before, of course. Not often, for Marcus was seldom at home, but each time had been unforgettable, taking me to heights of ecstasy I could not imagine anyone else being capable of.
But now, my body imbued with vampire blood, the sensations he created within me became even more intense, even more powerful than before. It seemed as if every caress, every kiss he gave me carried with it a hundred times the passion I had once felt.
Looking at his body anew through my vampire eyes, though once I would have deemed it impossible, his nakedness took on an even more sensual and alluring form. The silken texture of his skin and the tight, sculpted musculature of his chest and abdomen seemed to me to be carved by a gifted artist’s hand. I kissed that smooth skin, licking and nibbling my way across his torso, teasing each nipple with my lips and tongue. I sank between his thighs, my hand grasping the long, thick shaft that rose from its thatch of curly dark hair. My tongue traced the veins on the underside up to the broad tip, wet with the juice of his arousal. My mouth engulfed it, my lips sliding slowly down the hard length. Marcus groaned. His hands caressed my face and stroked my hair. The sound of his pleasure made Blood Resurrection
J.P Bowie
me suck all the harder, wishing above all else to bring him the same sweet sensations he had brought to me so many times.
They say that the vampire’s sexual senses are heightened by the taking of blood, that the act of drinking the blood is a sexual experience. I would not argue the point, for indeed the infusion of Marcus’ blood into my veins had set my own blood on fire. A new vampire I might have been, but his powerful blood now filled me with a desire that threatened to overwhelm me. For the first time, I experienced the heightened array of sensations only vampires are privy to. As I let my lust take over, I felt a fierce passion rage within me. The hard flesh that pulsed in my hand became the sole object of my desire. I laved it with my lips and tongue, searing the soft skin with the heat of my mouth. Marcus writhed with pleasure—
pleasure I was bringing him, pleasure that only he, another vampire, could fully abandon himself to.
I heard his breath catch in his throat and knew he had reached his limit. His hips bucked, pushing his throbbing cock deeper into my mouth. I opened to him, taking him down my throat, my hands clutching at his thighs as I felt the first scorching spurt of his semen explode from deep within him. I held him in my mouth until his last body-racking spasm had subsided. Then gently, I released his cock, licking at the last vestiges of his semen as it slid from my mouth. He drew me up into his arms and kissed me, holding my body pressed tightly to his own.
We made love again and again through that first night of my new life. I wondered then if any other newly born
Matthew S. Cox, Tony Healey