Naked Cruelty

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Book: Naked Cruelty by Colleen McCullough Read Free Book Online
Authors: Colleen McCullough
it—after we’ve investigated them,” Carmine said gravely. “How many more Gentleman Walkers do you know, Helen?”
    â€œAre they all Gentleman Walkers?” she asked ingenuously. “I know them from Mark’s parties.”
    â€œYes, they’re all Walkers. There are one hundred-forty-six altogether.”
    â€œDo they have a uniform?”
    â€œApparently not.” Carmine lifted his eyes to Helen’s. “Is Mr. von Fahlendorf a neighbor?”
    â€œProfessor von Fahlendorf. No, he doesn’t live in Talisman Towers. He lives around the corner in Curzon Close—the prettiest house in Carew.”
    â€œHe’s very pretty,” said Nick, lip curling.
    â€œHe’s very clever,” she riposted. “He’s a professor in the hardest form of physics—particles.”
    â€œBehave yourself, Nick,” Carmine said with sufficient reproof in his voice to make Delia glance at him in surprise. “Is your professor a West German national, Helen?”
    â€œYes, on a green card. He works on sub-atomic particles in the Chubb bunker. Very highly thought of by Dean Gulrajani and a few other luminaries, though his nose is a little out of joint since Jane Trefusis joined the lab. It’s really that he’s not very fond of America, but it’s where the work is, and that’s actually what Kurt is all about—sub-atomic particles.”
    â€œWhat’s he got against America?” Nick asked aggressively. “Funny, how none of these people have a good thing to say about us, yet they’re happy to take our money and our jobs.”
    â€œI agree with you, Nick. It’s mostly envy,” Carmine said in calm tones. “They see their own cultures buried under American films, television and popular fiction. That must be hard, but their own people are in the forefront of promoting global American culture—the kids and the local moguls in particular.”
    â€œEast Germany, or West?” Nick pressed.
    â€œWell, it would hardly be East. Oh, you mean originally? Yes, the von Fahlendorfs were Prussian junkers, somewhere fairly close to the Polish border. His father skipped from East Germany in 1945. Now they’re very wealthy.”
    â€œIncluding Professor von Fahlendorf?” Carmine asked.
    â€œHe’s not hurting, sir. He drives a black Porsche and owns a lovely property. What’s he like as a person? Stiff as a board and about as exciting as Parsifal . But I like Kurt. He has beautiful manners, and if he ever keeps me waiting on a date, I could safely bet my life that nothing less than an escaping muon has detained him. Kurt’s a gentleman, and in case you haven’t checked lately, sir, they’re a dying breed.”
    â€œHe sounds more and more like the Dodo to me,” said Nick.
    â€œEnough, Nick!” Carmine said sharply. “What do you know about Mark Sugarman, Helen?”
    â€œAnother of the dying breed,” Helen said, a little tartly. “Like me, he owns his condo. An extremely organized person—in fact, the most obsessive man I know when it comes to work habits and organizing his life in general. Kurt’s in the amateur league compared to Mark. He used to throw the best parties until Leonie Coustain got sick—raped, we know now.” She shuddered. “To think that the Dodo invaded Talisman Towers! But Mark isn’t the Dodo either, sir, truly. In the summer he uses the pool, and his chest is covered with hair. Kurt’s hairy too.”
    â€œHaven’t you heard of a chest toupee?” Delia asked.
    Helen’s jaw dropped. “You’re kidding,” she said hollowly.
    â€œAnything but. It’s seen as an indication of masculinity, so men who feel inadequate wear them.”
    â€œThank you, Delia,” said Carmine, eyes twinkling. “While you’re about it, see if you can work out how a stark naked man

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