Naked Lies

Naked Lies by Ray Gordon Read Free Book Online Page B

Book: Naked Lies by Ray Gordon Read Free Book Online
Authors: Ray Gordon
Tags: naked, ray gordon, hardcore porn
grass, the green blades tickling my alert, red sex lips. I'd enjoy
the summer, sunbathe in my bikini, not become a prisoner in my own
home. But instinctively, I knew that he was there as I looked up at
his house out of the corner of my eye. He was there, at an upstairs
window, lurking, gazing at me. Initially, panic gripped me and I
turned on my heels to run into the house and lock the door. But
then, strangely, I didn't mind him watching me.
    I knew that he wouldn't show the photographs to Mat - ruin any
chance of fingering and licking me. He wouldn't be fool enough to
destroy his hold over me. His hold over
me? Suddenly, it dawned on me that it was
me who had the hold over him. It was my body he wanted. Insanely, I
decided to tease him, to allow my blouse to fall open, to expose my
nipples. Was arousal the whiplash?
    Perhaps I was
subconsciously getting my own back for what he'd done. I'd have
nothing to gain by flaunting my breasts, but the thought of
arousing him and then slipping into the house before he could get
at me delighted me. Reclining on the grass, stretching my limbs out
languorously, I had an even more wicked idea.
    Allowing my
legs to part, displaying my well-juiced vaginal crack, I watched
him through my eyelashes. My stomach somersaulting, I parted my
thighs further, exposing my naked femininity in all its glory. The
game was more than dangerous now, it was lethal! But I couldn't
help myself as I brought my knees up, allowing them to fall apart
and show off my beautiful cunt. Cunt, vulva, vagina, pussy, love
    In my
confusion, I tried to understand why displaying my vaginal crack to
my blackmailer sent a thrill through me. Deliberately driving him
on like that, dangling a platinum carrot before him, was perilous.
But the sense of power was exhilarating! I'd turned the situation
round. For the time being, at least, I was in control. Displaying
my beguiling feminine wares, I was the omnipotent.
    As he
disappeared from view, I leaped to my feet and dashed into the
house, locking the door behind me. He'd taken the bait and would
come running, threatening me with his precious magazines and tape.
In the safety of the kitchen I stood motionless, breathing deeply
as I waited for a knock on the back door or the phone to ring.
    I waited for
what seemed like hours. Nothing happened. Where was he? What was he
doing? I wished I'd not teased him like that - I couldn't afford to
play spurious games. He was bound to realize that I'd exposed my
sexual epicentre deliberately, and take it as a come-on. I'd been a
complete fool!
    An ominous
looking package was lying on the front doormat as I ventured
through the hallway. It was addressed to Mat, and I immediately
sensed trouble. Ripping the brown paper, I was horrified to
discover one of my lacy red suspender belts - stained and freshly
wet with sperm. I didn't allow myself to imagine how Mat would have
reacted had he opened the dirty packet. There'd have been no
positive proof that the garment was mine but, with his suspicious
mind, he'd have put two and two together and come up with me.
    I froze as the
doorbell rang. After a minute, a loud knock sounded on the back
door. It was Den, trying to get at me, my body. The adulterous act
I'd committed in his house, my blatant exhibitionism in the
garden... I'd teased him, played with him, roused the monster in
him. And now it was after me!

    I spent the
rest of the day hiding in the lounge with the curtains drawn, not
even daring to venture into the kitchen to prepare a meal. Den had
been out there waiting, lurking in the dark like a monster, and it
was only when I climbed the stairs to my bedroom and locked the
door that I felt a little safer.
    Sleep had
cruelly evaded me during the night. I had heard movements
downstairs, but had been too afraid to investigate. Was the house
creaking as the rafters cooled from the heat of the day? Or was it
Den? Was he in the house, looking for me, hunting for

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